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: Chopper

Chopper escaped his meal for the first time only to concentrate on Medicine's Book , it make the straw hats worried

"I- I'll go to-"

"No need Nami, let me" Luffy said

Nami was about to speak back but Zoro stop him only to make Nami sigh


( time skip )

Luffy keep knocking the door but still Chopper didn't open the door so he decided to open it by himself

"Chopper?" he look inside only to find Chopper was sleeping, his head putting on the open book

Luffy didn't want to wake him up, but the crack floor does

Chopper flinch and wake up because of the crack sound

" ..Luffy...I- I know you're going to say I'm useless..because of my bo-"

"STOP IT CHOPPER!! BOUNTY WASN'T MATTER, YOU'RE STRONG ENOUGH, THEY MAKE YOUR BOUNTY LOW BECAUSE YOU'RE JUST TOO CUTE!" Luffy yelled , he can't take it, Chopper feel down only because of his bounty

"L-Luffy.." Luffy thought he was going to cry but no, Chopper dance like spaghetti and laughing ( the thing that Chopper always do whenever he got a nicer comment )

Luffy then laughed and told Chopper to come and eat with them

Chopper then agreed and Follow him

"Thank you Luffy.." he said then Luffy turn around on him looking confused

"did you say something?"

"hmm, Nandemonai ( nothing ) " he giggled which make him clueless even more


Robin is sitting watching the sunset while she still holding her open book. She haven't continue read it when her thought keep on disturbing her. She can't moving on from the Inies lobby incident.

reminding that made her thought was she even deserve this chance to be happy? was she really deserve it after what she just did. All she want just to find and reach her dreams and....Happiness? thinking about it once again..

"Did I perhaps really deserve this opportunities?" she whispered she thought maybe this is her secret with wind and her books until Luffy suddenly appeared beside her

which made her had a ghoosebump, "Luffy-san...what made you came here? sorry I didn't notice you were there" she fakingly smiled which Luffy can see from through her.

"Did you perhaps still thought of that incident?"

before Robin could reply Luffy talk again without letting her continue,

"Past is past, thinking about past will make you think that you're still stuck in that place. but now , didn't you want to think about where are you right now? you can see that this is much different than the past...Now you're free and wasn't in that place anymore so... Robin."

Robin is too stunned to talk as she look up to her captain waiting for him to continue,

"Will you want to stay like this forever or move forward and fight every challenged and anything that blocking your dreams?!"

Robin bite her lips as she try to control her tears but failed, she grip her hands then look up back to Luffy which cause Luffy to surprised seeing his nakama is crying

"e-eh Robi-"

"I'll move forward!!!"

Luffy let out confusion

"I'll move forward!!! and fight anything that are blocking my way to reach my dreams!!!" Robin said without bothering to wipe her tears

Luffy stare at her before laughing , "That is what I want to hear shishishishi" as he walked away

meanwhile Robin wipe her tears before smiling , "Thank you Luffy" she whispered

: still thinking for Franky and Brooke flashback 

' Thank you Luffy ' They all said

{ end of flashback }

They all can't believe that Luffy who's acting as childish and being stupid will be the one who's giving them advice

'damn' they all thought

" but at the end , he's the one who need some advice " Nami sigh as everyone laughed

"a..ano.." they all turn around only to see a pink haired boy looking at them straight

"I-is that true?" they all look at him confused

"I...I mean...did he really did it? I..mean-"

"what are you saying pink haired?!" Marimo and curly eyebrows yelled

"He did give us advice!" Usopp yelled

"oi³ , calm the fuck down yoi" Marco said he understand what they must be felt but all they can do is to calm down

The straw hats look at him , not even smile, not angry but we can say they're emotionless right now. Marco flinch a little after seeing their reaction and then Ace decided to cheer them up until the sound snap and it changed to watching memories place

"already..?" they ask

not gonna answer that shit question the memories already started

It showed the little luffy was standing on the big wooden ( I don't know what it was called ) where it put on the edge of the ship

"ahhhhhh soooo CUTEEEEEEE" the fangirling can't stop with Luffy's cuteness

"Hm.....why is this so similar..." Shanks put his finger on his chin as if he was remembering something and still looking at the memories

while the other's red haired pirates already remember this scene but decided to shut their mouth and let the captain thinking by himself

: well who wouldn't think Little luffy is cute? oh yeah, I might be changed a bit since I can't actually remember well about this scene where Luffy meets Shanks and the moment Shanks being father towards Luffy so yeah, be patient :3

Then the boy take out his little knife and yelled


Shanks thought he was joking but damn the hell no he's not

"then show me already" he smirk as Little Luffy stab to his below the eyes ( damn I don't know what it is ) where he get his left eye scar

"so that's how he got that scar" Ace and Sabo said at the same time

"tch! you guys just now know?!" They all shout.

"How idiot is he" Nami sigh

Shanks then surprised and

"IDIOT!" he shout as the memories changed into inside the bar

"Bar?" they all asked


Sorry to short actually I leave it short because just incase I have Idea for Franky and Brooke

Love you guys >:3 Chaw

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