Important matters

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Hola! I'm new to this genre so please don't expect too much. I'm just trying my love in mystery and horror ◠‿◠\/.

All the names of the characters and business locales, either the songs and places aforesaid in this book are just the product of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual living or nonliving things are purely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, whether electronic, or mechanic, including photocopying or recording in any storage retrieval without the author's permission.

Cases can be subjected to plagiarism!


Typographical and grammatical errors ahead. Red flag, lame jokes and poor humor might be expressed in this story, since the author is not good at jokes. Also, the story contains strong language and acts of violence or gruesome scenes that is not suitable for young audiences. Read at your own risk.

Genre→Mystery|Suspense| Comedy? Romance|And slice of life.


Enjoy reading!<3

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