Chapter Nineteen: Premiere

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Four more days passed and something came over Nathan. He was suddenly able again, lapping the level in five minutes as opposed to his prior eight. It was just as the doctors said. He shook it off in the blink of an eye. When they checked a second time, the doctors told Nathan they would be discharging him, and he felt the buzz of a giddy child as he took Stana's cheeks in his hand and took her lips as his own. About an hour later, they were wheeling him out and he was off to his girlfriend's place.

When they got back to her apartment, Stana gave him the grand tour of the place, ending right back where they started, in the front room. They were on the couch cuddled up beside one another before they knew it. Nathan, at some point out of the blue asked her, "What day is it?"

"Monday, " she cooed.

"No, I mean what's the date?"

She sat up a bit to think about it. "May... twelfth, I think. I'd have to check that... Why?"

He perked up with a smile, "It's the premiere of the season finale tonight."

"Oh, great," Stana said as she lifted herself from the couch, bright smile starting to peek through, "You check your twitter yet today?"

He replied over his shoulder, "When would I have had time to check twitter?"

"You always find the time," she teased in his direction as she strolled into her kitchen area. "You want anything to drink?"

"No, I'm fine." He then pulled out his phone and opened his twitter, telling her, "People keep waiting to see you in that dress again."

As she returned to the couch, she questioned, "Really? I wasn't fond of it. I liked the other one better."

"Well, you looked great in both, so I can't blame them. Although, I think the second one looked more... like something you would actually wear," he answered, looking up at her as she pulled a glass from her cabinet.

She agreed, "The other one was really... gaudy. I felt weird in it."

"Well, you're a classy girl, not a flaunt-your-wealth kind of a girl. Simple roots," he said with a grin. "One of your many charming qualities."

Stana smiled back at him, "And here I thought you were into glamour and wealth."

"I've had glamour," he shrugged. "Now I want down to earth sophistication and someone who is a bit more... humble. I want you."

Her cheeks became rosier as she stood, filling her glass with water. She then changed the topic. "Andrew or Terri post anything about the premiere tonight? Or anyone for that matter?"

"No, not yet," he said, returning to his phone. "ABC did, but none of the others."

She questioned, "Is anyone live tweeting with it?"

Again, Nathan shrugged. "I doubt it. Terri is about the only one who does and she's not planning on it. Or at least she hasn't said anything about it."

"Well then, I guess that means you and I will have to fill the gap together," Stana answered with a quick, mischievous smile.

His eyes widened a bit. "You want to live tweet... together... tonight."

"Yeah, I mean, on separate accounts, but I have nothing better to do. I mean, even if I was working on some film, I'd still be doing something for the premiere date. And what better way to connect with the fans than to live tweet, answer their questions, hear their comments and-."

"You want to see their reactions to the cliffhanger, don't you? You want to see how many people want to shoot Andrew."

She then turned into a child, stamping her foot a bit. "He couldn't just give us a wedding? I mean, I know this is keeping us employed for another year and I should just be happy but- but- wedding... and- happiness... and- that dress."

He laughed to himself a bit. "Hey, at least this means a challenging season premiere. Maybe new experiences or some challenge when you're filming."

"But-... wedding..."

"But-... drama. Come on, did you really think Andrew Marlowe was going to end a season with a happy little wedding like that?"

She sighed. "No. I just wanted to see some fonting."

"I know," he said as he watched her pout. "Come here." She sighed and came back to her place, snuggling back up into his arms. "That dress did look stunning on you, though," he told her.

Stana replied, "That suite looked nice on you too."

Nathan then cautiously asked, "So... are we live tweeting together or are we tweeting separately but in the same room?"

She thought a moment about what Jon had said and how much this relationship could end the show. Parts of her wanted to say they could tweet together and talk about their relationship together and all of that, but she knew better. Her more responsible half told her, "Separately in the same room, just to be safe. I mean, it's not like people don't already think we're in a relationship, but... maybe those aren't rumors we need to legitimize just yet."

"Alright. So does that mean I don't get to tell the fandom you looked sexy in that dress and out of it?"

He was kidding, but she still gave an amused, "Oh God no."

His subtle, "Damn," wasn't quite as joking, but she still understood. For the rest of the day and into the night up until the end of their season finale, Nathan and Stana remained on the couch. She got up a few times for a drink and while she was cooking, but she demanded he stay put as much as possible. By the time the episode was finished and twitter was blowing up, Nathan had charmed his way to her lips.

Her body reacted a bit more than she meant to allow it to as she initiated a deepening of the kissing, her mouth opening, her tounge passing through his lips and teeth as they inhaled more and more of each other. He didn't object in any way, and as they furthered their kiss, she took no hesitation in fully bringing to life his muse beneath her hips. For his sake, she undid his belt and zipper to give a bit more air to the little man downstairs as they both struggled not to take the motion any further. The desire was there. It was more than there. But the two of them knew the limits his doctor had given him, and at some point, they had to break apart. She did, however, usher him to her bed as neither one of them had any objection to cuddling for the rest of the night.

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