3. All Night, Hearing Voices Telling Me that I Should Get Some Sleep

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Author's Note: About to watch the  live performance of Coffee in Bed on NBC. *claps excitedly* How's everyone doing today?

3. All Night, Hearing Voices Telling Me that I Should Get Some Sleep

During week two, Mitch figured out why Scott was here.

He woke up in the middle of the night to a blood-curdling scream, and rushed over to the blond's bedside.

"Shh, shh, you're okay. You're okay, Scott. Everything is okay," Mitch whispered, trying to wake the man gently.

The larger man pushed at Mitch and he was on the floor within a moment's time. Mitch struggled to inhale as the wind was knocked out of him, and he stared at Scott with wide eyes in the darkness.

"Get me out of here, I don't want to be here, don't make me stay here, I fucking HATE YOU," Scott shouted, pulling at his hair, looking terrifyingly psychotic.

Mitch reached towards him in an effort to stop him from ripping the blond strands from his scalp, but he screamed again.

"Get the FUCK away from me!"

Two male nurses burst through the door and crossed the floor towards Mitch. One picked him up to a standing position and pulled him out of the room. The other followed close behind.

"You have to help him. You have to go back in there!" Mitch cried. The nurses looked at one another, nodding silently, and one returned into the room.

"Nurse Bailey is gonna help your friend, okay? We have to give them room."

Another scream echoed through the hall. It was guttural and desperate, as though Scott was being electrocuted. Mitch tried to run towards it, but he was held back by two strong arms.

"Is he hurting him? Please... I can help. Let me help. Scott listens to me." Mitch pleaded, breathlessly.

"He isn't hurting him, I promise. We have to let Scott come back to us on his own. Okay? That's very important. Will you come with me?"

Mitch blinked back tears. "Yeah... yeah, okay."

Mitch somehow felt like he failed, as he fell asleep in a bunk in a different room that night. He slept restlessly, tossing and turning and praying that Scott was okay.

"So... fill me in. What happened last night?" Dr. Chastain asked the next morning.

Mitch rubbed his eyes, feeling tired already. "I woke up to the sound of Scott screaming. It was awful. I think he was screaming in his sleep? But he woke up when I went to his side. Then he pushed me to the ground. And he was screaming that he hated me, and he hated it here... and he was trying to rip his hair out. And It sounded like he was in pain..."

"That must have been very scary. Then what?"

"Then two nurses came in, because they heard the screaming. They pulled me out of the room and one went back in. Scott kept screaming, but they wouldn't let me help..."

Dr. Chastain nodded. "Yeah, it's important that we get you out of the way when things like that happen. I promise that the nurses are all wonderful, and that they know exactly how to handle things like that. They are well-versed in Scott's condition, I assure you."

Mitch felt better at the sound of those words. He ran a hand through his hair, flinching slightly when he realized that the top of his forehead was sore. Had he hit his head the night before when he fell? He didn't want to call attention to it. Would they separate him from Scott for his own safety if they knew that Mitch had been injured?

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