Day 28 ~ 30

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Day 28

There was a hand over my mouth, I couldn't even scream! I had woken up the moment someone pulled me from the bed, but when I went to scream the hand covered my mouth. When the persons hand shifted I felt the edge of a finger and took my chance. I bit down with everything I had. "Owww! What the fuck Jenny? I am trying to save you!" I recognised that voice. Using the way he loosened his grip to my advantage I pulled away, managing to shake him off as he tried to pull me back by my wrist. "Mark? What the - are you insane?!" Mark was standing there hand bleeding – which I didn't feel a inch guilty about- dressed in all black like out of an old movie. "Me? No, I am here to bring you home. I know this doesn't make sense right now sweetheart, but once your away from that bastard you'll see I am doing this for you" I felt my blood boiling at that. "For me?" He nodded seeming pleased, maybe he thought I was agreeing with him. "Yes! You've been brain washed somehow, once you spend time with me again this will all be like a bad dream. I took sometime off, we'll go away where you'll be safe and we-" I don't know where I got the inner strength from but I slapped him –hard. While he was still stunned I pulled on that fire again knowing I might not get another chance. "I have never had a clearer mind in my life, my god look at yourself Mark! Did you even let yourself think I am HAPPY here?! Or is your ego really so big you can't even see what's in front of you anymore?" He stayed stunned for a minute, then he seemed to deflate a little. 

"Jenny I know we were having a rough patch-" That was it. "A ROUGH PATCH?!" If no one in the house knew about an intruder before they would now. "You call years of being left alone while you slept with other people, and taking you abuse when you lost your temper or went drinking a rough patch?!" He visibly flinched at that, he might not remember all our fights due to drink but I wasn't going to let that be his excuse. Pulling up my tank top I showed off the small set of scars on my side. " What about this" I watched the last of the colour drain from his face seeing the pale scars, I had been lucky that night. If the glass from the table he threw me into had gone any deeper I could have died before getting to hospital... yet he still told them I fell. "I-I'm so sorry Jenny, for everything but please come with me now. I'll be better I promise, we'll be happy again like before" I heard the door slam open, and my name being called but I was so focused on Mark I ignored it. "No Mark. For years I believed you, time and time again I fell for those lies and all it ever did was hurt me" A pair of strong arms came around me, offering the support I desperately needed. "I've finally found someone who cares for me – he may be everything society says I should run away from- but he would never hurt me... not like you did" Mark's eyes suddenly went dull, like the last spark of hope had finally been snuffed out. I turned away after that ignoring the sound of him being dragged out, burring myself in Daniel's chest. I finally stop up to him but all my scars still hurt, and Daniel was the only thing holding me together right now.

Day 29

I tried not to look at Daniel as he paced the room, his clear rage for the first time aimed at me. "Daniel I know you don't understand but-" He kicked a small side table which had been home to a plant, sending the poor thing to smash on the floor. "That BASTARD broke into my home, he tried to kidnap you and you refuse to press charges or let me deal with him! What is there to understand about that?" I swallowed looking down at my hands, trying to get the words together I needed to help him understand. "I know your angry –you have every right to be- but I loved him once, and I can't bring myself to do that to him. Plus you did kind of kidnap me first" There a huff at that bit which sounded oddly like sarcastic laughter. "That technically wasn't meant to be you. That's not the point Jenny, he could have hurt you!" There it was. There was the real source of his anger, he was scared I would have been hurt. Standing up I made my over to him, putting my arms around his stomach to hug him from behind. His tension slowly began to slip away, but it was very slow. "He didn't. I'm right here and I am fine" His hands took mine making me let him got so he could turn to get me.

 I thought he would hug me back but I was suddenly lifted by my hips and put on his desk, leaving me doing my best not blush. "If I ever see him so much within a mile of you, I will personally make him sorry for it" The words were muttered into the crook of my neck as Daniel slowly began kissing his way down my throat. I felt myself let out a small sound I hadn't before, pushing out words as my breathing suddenly began getting heavier as Daniel began kissing up my neck towards my mouth. "I guess that's fair" I only just managed to get the words out as his lips sealed onto mine in a scolding kiss. My hands went into his hair letting me pull him closer, I wanted him closer yet I couldn't seem to get enough of him. He just chuckled his hands moving to the hem of my shirt, just as his hands moved up over my sensitive stomach though a series of knocks sounded on the door. "Boss?" I giggled as Daniel went from soft and loving to murderous at the interruption. Scooting off the desk despite his gentle attempt to stop me I righted my clothes. "Come in John" I called the man in knowing Daniel clearly didn't want to. When the large bald man came inside though he halted still. "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt Boss, I'll come bac-" I waved my hand at him stopping him there. "Its okay I need to get back, I have three Math tests to get done today" Leaning up I brushed a kiss on Daniel's jaw before heading out of the room, giggling to myself when I heard Daniel's dark curse follow me. "I swear I will get that little Minx to myself one day"

Day 30

Sitting in front of the koi pond I couldn't help but think something was up. Tom had taken off not so long ago with Luke saying they got given an urgent job, and I had yet to run into anyone else. I had thought maybe there was another big job on today but something seemed off with that idea. Shaking my head I left the pond be, the fish were always happy to see me but as it got darker I didn't like to stay close to the water just to be safe. Heading inside I suddenly noticed the smaller dining room was dimly lit. My curiosity getting the better of me I went inside gasping finding the room set for two with petals spread around, and a well dressed Daniel looking rather very pleased with himself. "Wow, what is all this for?" I had to ask as I came to the table, letting myself be seated as Daniel sat opposite me. "Well since we are officially engaged, I thought a romantic dinner was overdue" As if on queue two of the kitchen staff came out putting down a plate in front of each of us, leaving just as quietly as they came. Giggling a little I glanced up at Daniel over my first bite. "Wouldn't it more traditional if you cooked for me?" I got an amused glance as Daniel took a sip of the conveniently already poured wine he had, I noticed mine was something non alcoholic. "I am not a traditional man, besides this is far better unless you wanted food poisoning" Laughing at that we both tucked into our food, enjoying our main and then dessert happily together. 

Once we were both done Daniel stood coming around the table to take my hand, slowly taking me to the stairs before stopping. I didn't understand why he stopped at first but then he tuned me to cup my cheeks, all but forcing me to keep my eyes locked on him. Not that I wanted to look anywhere but those crystal pools of blue right now. "Jenny before we go up, I need to warn you I intend to take more than a kiss from you this time" A blush burned its way on my cheeks before I could recognise it had even happened, and I had to force myself to concentrate on Daniel and fight off the school girl like nerves. "If I do anything you don't like we'll stop... I might need to take a cold shower but I WILL stop" A warm smile joined the blush on my cheeks hearing that. Leaning up I put a kiss on Daniel's lips the best I could, pulling back this time I pulled away taking his hands to lead him upstairs. I might be embarrassed tomorrow but right now I was ready. This man had given me so much and now I was ready to give him a part of myself no else would ever have. And as I gave myself over to him I couldn't help but wonder something. Why was I ever looking for a Hero, when this Villain had saved me and given me so much more? 

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