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I ran, as fast as I could. I didn't have the courage to look back and check if they're still following me. My breaths were coming in short pants as I ran for another few miles.

My annoyance grew as my feet kept getting tangled in my long gown. The woods have already been kind enough to rip some pieces of my gown. So, I leaned against a tree as I tore down the skirt of my gown, with much resistance if I may add.

I didn't had another second to waste, hence I began my journey again. Although that didn't last for long as black dots commenced to appear in front of my eyes and my vision got hazy.

"I must not stop" I kept mumbling as I forced myself to run foreward. The struggle killed me, my breaths were getting more hollow. Beads of sweat were running down my neck in my gown which was already drenched from my sweat. My heart pounded in my ears and my long brown hair started sticking to my face.

Soon I was crawling on my knees. My stomach ached, my lungs tried to attain all the air they could get, I was a huffing puffing mess.
"I really should've paid more attention in training" I said with a breathy, exhausted laugh.

I had accepted my fate by then.
I couldn't run any longer, I couldn't save myself. 'They'll soon find me', I thought. My eyes shut on their own as I took a deep breath, possibly my last one.

Oh hell

I wanted to scream, rage burned inside my aching heart. My house, my parents, everything must be gone by now. How-why? I don't understand, why does my existence bring such cruelty to the people around me.

I still remember their words "you should be dead, you're an abnormality. You shouldn't exist"

I am very well aware that I shouldn't let them get to me, I should remember my mother's words, I'm relevant, I'm needed. But I couldn't help but wonder, for what? My home, my family, my people could be lying dead as of now and I'm here, running for my life.

Am I worth their sacrifice?

I don't know and I can't comprehend it if I give up now.

With that thought, I got up and started rushing again. My vision was still on the hazy side but at this point I couldn't afford to give a damn.

"Oh for Pete's sake" I muttered as I heard the rustling of bushes behind me. My paranoia wouldn't let me believe that it was just a wild animal.

I came to a halt and I turned around, the noise wasn't that far away. I stood in my fighting stance with my dagger in my right hand. The same dagger my mother gifted me right before she ushered me out of our house and made me promise me that I'll never look back.

I miss her.

I gazed around as the noise got closer. I wondered if this was truly an animal, if not why would my predators want me to know that they're near?

I wasn't quite sure if standing here, waiting for my predators was an apt preposition.

"Lord, I'm a mess" I said, looking at my bare red feet as I let out another low chuckle.

"You sure are, M'lady"

My eyes widened as I rapidly looked up, trying to identify this deep husky unfamiliar voice.

There stood the most beautiful man I've ever laid my eyes on. His grey eyes bored into my hazel ones. His dark black hair were pushed back in the most desirable manner. His hands were in the pockets of his pants as he looked me up and down.

I held a firm grip on my dagger as I fired questions at this mystery man.

"Who are you?" My voice loud and confident.

"M'lady, I should be the one asking that question. You are on my territory" he said as he took a couple of steps towards me. I stood firm on my ground as he approached me.

"Your territory?"

Did I forgot my path while running?

I wanted to swat my own head as I metally ran a hand down my face.

"Yes, M'lady"

Lord, how much I wished he would stop calling me that.

"My apologies, Sir. I'll take my leave now" I said as I bowed to him.

Without waiting for his answer, I hurriedly walked in the opposite direction, ready to exit his piercing gaze. That I could still feel at the back of my head.

But that couldn't seem to happen as he captured my wrist in his huge hand. And tried to pull me back.

I immediately snatched my wrist out if his hand as I glared at him. I pushed my dagger against his throat as I said "Keep your hands to yourself. Otherwise you'll have to answer to my dagger"

He used his fore finger to move the dagger away from his face as he looked down at me.

Lord, this man is tall.

"You, are in my territory. And you won't be leaving until I say so. Although, it seems as if you don't have a place to go" he said as he gestured my worn out cloths and bare feet.

I sheepishly pushed my feet back as I looked up at him.

"So what are you gonna do? Lock me up in the dungeons?" I tried to humour him but the seriousness in his eyes made my skin crawl

"No, I suppose not. But nevertheless you'll be staying with me" he said slowly as if I was a toddler.

"I don't understand. Why? Might as well, kill me now"

"I don't kill innocents, M'lady. The moment I suspect that you might be a spy, I'll be at your throat" he said with a slight smirk.

"So, cuff me and take me away, my lord" I said as I pushed my wrists against his chest.

I figured it might not be my smartest gamble but at this moment, he was my safest choice. Nevertheless whatever happens couldn't be worse than what might happen if they found me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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