Chapter 2

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me and Larissa meet nathan at the normal place and just started talking

"so how was your first lesson of dance Larissa" Nathan asked

"it was ok i guess"


"Meggzy, how was your first lesson back" Nathan asked with a smile

i loved it when nathan smiled

"yer it was good, jack was being a annoying like aways" i smiled back

"good, what have you got next?" -Nathan

"Maths i think"

"larissa what have you got next" nathan asked

larissa jusst strugged her sholders

"pass me your timetable and we can find out"

Larissa got her timetable out of her bag and passed it to nathan

"you have got maths with me and meg"

"ok thanks nathan"

"your welcome"

the bell rang for a thurd lesson me and nathan walked together i could feel the his skin touch

mine when he moved his arm when he walked


we got in i sat at seat and Nathan intoduce Larissa to the class and MR Bennett told Larissa that she

can sit with nathan if she wanted to, so they went to sit togeter and nathan sent me a loook of like

he was saying sorry with his eye

half way throught the class i got a txt and it was from nathan

Sorry meggzy xx -Nathan

it's ok, i can understand you want to her her in maths xx - megzz

yer, i just want her to be ok and settle in xx - Nathan

when nathan sent his txt MR Bennett notice that nathan was not payin attachion

so he asked nathan a Math question ( it's something that he has always done to people that don't pay attachion in the class he give them

a hard question)

"Nathan what is 12 x 22 - 13 x 2"

"239" ( the right answer is 238)

"nope wrong, who was you txtin when you should be in constrating on your Maths

after maths we just went on with are day like normal

it was time to go home woohhhooo :)

Larssa mum came and picked her up, so we said bye to her and hope she had a good day

me and nathan we walked to the train startion and waited for his train we did not reali talk about anything

just asking how are day was and if we like Larissa

Nathan train finley came as it was 10 mins late, so nathan said goodbye and give me a hug

"text me when your home"

"ok will do"

nathan got on the train and got a window sit so he couls wave to me when the train was leaving the startion.

sorry if there is any spelling or grammer mistkes, i was rushing this sorry :)

hope you like it :)) xxx

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