Chapter 1

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The day was moving slower than usual as Kai scrolled through her phone trying to find their next target through all of the many older men messaging her through social media. 

"Kai, how is it so hard to pick someone? I'm ready for our next target." Big T stated as she dramatically falls on the couch in the house they stay in.

"I'm trying to find the worst one, that way we get rid of them first," Kai responds moving over a bit for Big T has fallen on her. "I have found a few, but none of them are too bad."

"T.... stop bothering Kai." iQ says from the kitchen. The older members are out shopping for groceries so they can eat and Rein is asleep in her room.  Big T mumbles softly about iQ saying not calling her Big T. Afterward, they all sit in a comfortable silence as the tv plays softly. They are all used to the silence. They often sit in it for long periods of time waiting on Kai to find targets for she takes her time finding the worst. 

As they are all sitting around the TV they hear keys outside the door. They know it is The Goddess, Manuel, and Emie, so Big T and iQ get up ready to start helping bring the groceries in. "We're back," Emie says as she opens the door many bags hanging on her arms matching the rest of the oldest. iQ immediately grabs some of the bags from Emie and Big T goes to The Goddess to help her. Manuel is okay on his own. They set all the bags down and start putting them away in silence. Emie is softly singing whatever song is stuck in her head as always. As this is happening, Kai is still looking when one certain guy catches her eye. His profile picture looks to be about a 16-year-old boy with only 2 pictures. 

"I think I found one Emie," she states while getting up and walking to where Emie stands on the counter putting away things on the top shelf. Emie hops off and looks at the profile. 

"It's gotta be a fake account. Send it to me and I will find out who owns it." Emie then grabs some of her secret snacks and runs to her room hiding them in her hide-out place. She then sits at her computer and starts researching the account and who owns it. This can sometimes take minutes, sometimes hours. Everyone else finishes the groceries as Rein comes out of her room and starts helping to put the rest of the items away.

After everything is put away they either sit down in the living room or go to their bedroom doing whatever they can to stay busy while they wait on Emie. This goes on for a few hours before Emie walks out with a few papers. 

"Got him!" She yells getting the attention of everyone. She waits for them to come into the living room where she has laid out the papers full of information on the man. 

"His name is Everett Cummins and he is 32 years old. He is working as an electrician here in town. He has been married for 8 years and has 2 kids, 4 and 6 years old. His wife has them going through marriage counseling for reasons unknown and they have been in this for a year and a half.  He is an alcoholic and has a gambling problem. He spends most of his time and money at the bar on the other side of town." Emie continues talking about the man and they all decide that he is their next target. Usually, they would stay away from fathers, but this man is barely in his kids' life for most of his time is at the bar or work, and when he is home he is drunk, which makes him abusive. For the next two hours, they plan out their mission for the next day. Once everything is determined they head to bed. 

In the morning they get everything they would need for their plan. It will be taking place at night, but they still need to be ready during the day.  As the time for them to put their plan into action nears, they go over it one last time. Before they walk out the door, Emie disables the cameras on the road and around the neighborhood. Then the group gets in the car, minus Emie and Kai, to execute the plan. 

iQ is driving to the bar with The Goddess, Manuel, Rein, and Big T. once they are there everyone gets in their place. iQ stays in the car with Rein and Big T. The Goddess heads inside to try and lead Everett out into the alleyway where Manuel is staying. When she spots him she can already tell that he is tipsy and knows it won't be long until he gets drunk. She sits next to him but stays quiet while she orders a drink. Everett begins to try and make small talk only to have her ignore him. This gets him mad and he downs his drink and orders a number. The Goddess knew this would happen for he gets easily angered when he is drunk. After a few more drinks for Everett and one for The Goddess she finally starts talking to him. She notices how tipsy he is and points it out and suggests stepping outside for some fresh air. This was her plan to get him into the alley. When he finally agrees she takes his arm and leads him to the alley. She knows Manuel is hiding and waiting for her to get away, so she excuses herself and walks towards the door then heads to the car. When she arrives at the car Rein and Big T get out and start heading towards the alley. 

Once Manuel sees The Goddess leave, he makes himself known to Everett. At first, he seems harmless, with a wire in his back pocket, which Everett can't see. When he gets close enough he grabs the wire and pulls it around Everett's neck, making sure to pull tightly to make the kill fast. After a few minutes, the body finally stops struggling. Manuel holds the wire there a little longer to make sure that Everett is dead, then he whistles signaling to the 2 girls that it's done and now it is their turn to take over.

Once they receive the signal, Rein and Big T walk into the alley. Big T grabs the wire and cleans it off, making sure that no skin or anything is found on the wire. She then cuts it up and disposes of it in a nearby dumpster. She then goes to help Rein finish wrapping the body in a plastic tarp. They then carry it together to the car. Once they are there they put it into the trunk and hop in, joining everyone else. iQ then drives to a forest. Once there Manuel, Rein, and Big T get out, grab the shovels and the body, and head into the woods. Once they are a decent distance into the dark forest they start digging a 10-foot deep hole. It takes a while, but once it is done they drop the body in and start filling it. They fill it into about 4 feet and then drop the body of a dead animal. Once done they fill the grave the rest of the way and head back to the car. iQ then drives them all home.

Once they make it back home, Emie turns the cameras back on, and they celebrate with Emie and Kai on their achievement. Another pedophile is gone and in their book, that is a win.

Word Count - 1306

(Hey everyone! This is my first time writing and I would love some feedback on the book. Tell me your thoughts and what you would like to see in the comments! Thank you so much for reading, and I promise I will try and continue this as best as I can! - Sugar)

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