Write my hopes in blood

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This wasn't good, this wasn't good at all-

Elizabeth stood her ground, a facade of nonchalance and confidence on her face that she wore with ease, even if she couldn't control her breathing. 'You had to be able to hide your emotions, especially as a princess', Jelamets voice echoed in her head. 

It did not matter if she was terrified. 

It wasn't like it mattered much at the moment. She would be dead in no time, and she knew that. They wouldn't win this. And they knew that with certainty too. This would be her last opportunity to see the sky and it's stars. 

What would happen after she and Meliodas died? Would there be endless darkness, would there be paradise as Goddesses always preached or would their souls go to purgatory, like the demons believed?

She was so, so scared.

And she hated herself for that. She hated herself for the fact that she was scared when Meliodas stood by her side, unwavering. And what right did she have to be scared, when she had taken so many lives before. 

She, at the very least, would have liked an opportunity to say goodbye. To whom, she didn't know. But she felt like she missed out on something. 


Elizabeth was overcome with a wave of nostalgia. She would never get to see her own children, she would never marry Meliodas and they would never see what the world would look like after the war. She had wanted their Happy end so, so much that she could feel her heart clench at the thought. Because even if she died, she would have wanted Meliodas to live his life, and to find happiness without her. Because no matter what he thought (and Elizabeth just knew he was thinking that), he deserved every piece of happiness life had to offer. 

Because it was Meliodas, who had loved her so much her reality finally became better than her dreams. Who had made her happy to wake up and who had proclaimed her thoughts. He was the most beautiful person she had ever met.

And no matter if her mother and the demon king tortured her to death, no matter if they broke every bone in her body, knowing Meliodas-loving him-made every second of suffering worth it. 

She faced him, one last time.

His blonde hair was disheveled, his clothes were tattered and there were blood streaks on his face. But he looked at her, and suddenly, everything felt calm.
There was a wave of tranquility that hit her. The sounds of thunder above her ceased, the aching in her wings was gone and every bone in her body felt...still.

And somehow, she wasn't afraid anymore.

If Elizabeth's voice had worked in that moment, she would not have had any words she could have said. Because everything had been said. The goddess thought back to every "I love you" and to every second they spent together, and felt satisfied.

And, finally accepting the situation, finally letting the drowsiness seep into her bones, Elizabeth could do nothing but smile. 

Everything is going to be alright. And if it happens, I love you.

And she didn't need a verbal reply to understand what his look ment.

I love you too. 

And they charged. 

Before she knew it, they were being knocked backwards. She could feel every bone in her wings break. Her head hit the stone and everything she felt was pain and pain andpainandpainandpainandpain-

Oh goodness, Meliodas.

Her head turned towards him and spun from the notion. The mob of familiar blond hair wasn't that far away. 

The goddess crawled towards him. Every fiber of her being hurt, and she didn't know if she had moved further than a centimeter, but she had to try. Her hands reached towards him, as if trying to touch him. 

"Darling, please, we're alive-"

Her voice didn't come out as more than a croaked whisper and she knew that that statement would lose its truth in a matter of seconds. 

We'll meet again, I promise, I'll find you and I'll love you and I'll marry you no matter how many lives I have to live-

Everything was shrouded in darkness.


"Elizabeth...ELIZABETH WAKE UP-"

Someone was shaking her shoulders. Slowly, she began to feel her body again. Then she began hearing things and smelling things and ugh were her bones supposed to hurt like that?

Oh yeah, Gowther had knocked her out.

Elizabeth opened her eyes, her vision was blurry and she still couldn't think straight. Did she have a concussion from her head colliding with the ground? Where was Gowther? How was Diane and oh goddesses she had to get Meliodas or Merlin fast-

"Elli, are you ok?"

The young princess looked into concerned, green eyes. Green eyes that felt so much like home, and oh, Meliodas was presumably waiting for a reply. 

"Uh...um...yes I think I'm fine, how is everyone?"

"Diane said she's good and Gowther has been dealt with. Now we'll get you back to the boar hat."

Even as he helped her up, her headache didn't fade. She knew she had dreamt of something, but she just couldn't grasp what. It felt like a veil keeping her from accessing her memories. 

Elizabeth couldn't help but feel like that dream was important. 

Write my hopes in bloodWhere stories live. Discover now