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Mya POV still:
P1:so what happened
M:Jazz is from New Jersey also me but a year later I moved to Las Vegas and she moved here and her ex boyfriend mattia and them to broke up so I went over there to talk to him and he kissed me so things led on and we were making out he carried me upstairs and looked me in my eyes and said do you really wanna do this and i said yea so we had sex a month later I moved to Las Vegas and went to Riverside School (random name😭) and met Kobe and liked him for a long time but I didn't think he liked me or noticed me than a year later Jazz moved in with me and the day she came we went to the mall and Kobe and his friends was there-
P2:who is Kobe's friends
M:vallyk,Mike,Derek anyways back to the story we was minding are business and Kobe tapped jazz arm and said do u have a twin aka vallyk and I saw him talking to her so I pulled her away and got into the car and we got into a little argument we got home and the next day was school we got to school and I always look at Kobe,We go to the office and get our schedule and Kobe was looking at jazz so I pulled her out the office and she ask me if I liked Kobe and I said yea cause I did anyways are teacher did a little get to know me with the class and Kobe was giving me a wtf you looking at face anyways vallyk and Jazz found out that they were twins and jazz and I were walking outside but vallyk had called her name and walked over I was staring at Kobe and he said wtf you looking at stalker and they laughed Kobe started messing with me when he met jazz and me and jazz had got into the car and she noticed that I wasn't ok and she said what's wrong with you and I said nothing and she said does this have to do with Kobe not liking you and I had got mad and had went off on her and smacked her she let me slide and then we started arguing and I told her to get out and she went somewhere and had met Corey she stayed the night over there and the next day I had posted on Instagram and Jazz has been ignoring me and then the teacher told me and Jazz to collect papers and I did and Kobe tripped me and my wig fell off and the class laughed someone picked it up and they was playing hot potato with it and it fell in the trash can and someone poured paint on it and I ran out crying Jazz and vallyk was talking and saw me crying then Kobe came over with the boys and they was gonna catch them at lunch so Derek and Jazz went to talk they went over to the other hall and I went to the bathroom I don't know what jazz and Derek was talking about then Someone came in the bathroom and pulled me out the stall by my shirt it was Jazz she was punching and slamming me and dragging me around the bathroom floor while I was crying and screaming a teacher came In trying to pull her off but she was to strong and then she called for more while jazz was bashing my head against the bathroom floor and choking bout time help came I passed out
P2:so what is this post?
M:I don't have my phone
P1:is this ur phone*he pulls out Mya phone*
P1:go straight to the post
M:ok *shows them the post*
P2:your instigating
M:Ik I was just mad
P1:who hit who Frist
M:jazz pulled me out the bathroom stall
P2:Jazz said that you treated her like shit and called her names and slept with her boyfriend and sometimes you will put your hands on her is that true
M:yea but-
P1:that's all we need
*the police walks out*
M:imma go live*she goes live*
User567:you ok😂
User799:got that ass beat😂
whosjazz:Jazz very much fucked your face up 😂
User4848:add jazz
M:I'm not adding her she can get the fuck off my live with her desperate ass
whosjazz:desperate?? Bitch pls I got better things in life bye bitch
Kbrezzo:Heyyy Mya😂
M:h-hey k-Kobe *fixing hair*
User748:she ugly as fuck
User484:you ok Mya 💓🥺?
User3883:I love you Mya
User4774:get well soon
User3884:Stan Mya
User8383:y'all most not know what she did to jazz and boys at school
User4784:we go need to hear your side of the story
M:bye y'all imma about to end this live cause y'all fucking aggravating the shut out of me and I fucking hate y'all and all the haters and all the supporters and Jazz and this danm hospital because everyone lovess Jazz right well maybe if I die I'll get some respect because everybody hates Mya man fuck all of y'all and I don't need y'all *ends live*

Mya POV still:P1:so what happened M:Jazz is from New Jersey also me but a year later I moved to Las Vegas and she moved here and her ex boyfriend mattia and them to broke up so I went over there to talk to him and he kissed me so things led on and...

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TikTokTeaRoom:looks likes Mya goes off on supporters and fans and jazz on live😬👁👄👁

bby.jazz:she ain't go off on me I went off on her ass literally ion give a fuck about this girl keep my name out of your little tea page because she always try to play the victim when she be the main person she did me wrong so many times and I forgave her💔😖....she even slept with my ex boyfriend and made up rumors about me and moved to Las Vegas to run away because she was hoeing around in New Jersey I ain't the type of person to put stuff on social media but it's already on here so I just wanted to say😒 because if you a true friend then you a true friend and I'm the person to keep it 💯 if you ain't real then don't fucking talk to me

User7484:go off queen
  ↪️replied bby.jazz:thanks💓
Love_jazzy:stan jazz
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