Neville Longbottom : Ping Pong

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Day 15

Blood Type: Mud Blood or Half Blood (Your Choice)
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 587


I have been very upset lately... My cat passed away recently and he was the only thing I had left of my grandpa. I was crying in the girls sleeping chambers, when I heard a light knock on the door

Me- who is it?

Neville- Y/N? Are you in there?

I opened the door for my boyfriend. He looked at my upset face. He put his hand on my cheek and wiped away my tears.

Neville- Hermione told me you were upset... Can we talk about it?

I nodded. He walked with me to the couch in the Common Room. I sat with him and rested my head on his shoulder. He held my hand

Neville- what happened love?

Me- Nimbus passed away...

Neville- he did?!

I nodded. He grew close with Nimbus, he was always holding him. If Nimbus wasn't trying to mess with Trevor. Neville hugged me tighter

Neville- oh love I'm so sorry...

Me- it's alright Neville, it wasn't your fault...

Neville- is there anything I can do?

I shook my head. He pulled me into his arms

Neville- there may not be anything right now, but I'll stay here and comfort you

Me- thanks Neville

He kissed the top of my head

Neville- your welcome love


We were dismissed from Muggle Studies. I was waiting for Neville to go to lunch but he was talking with Burbage so I thought I would wait for him in the Great Hall.


Lunch was over and I haven't seen him since Muggle Studies... I was getting worried so I went to the Common Room. There was Hermione, Harry, and Ron.

Me- have any of you seen Neville?

Hermione- yes actually, he was asking about something

Me- what?

Ron- something about telling you to go to the Room of Requirement?

Me- the Room of Requirement? What for?

Hermione- no clue, you should go see

I left the Common Room and went straight to the Room of Requirement. The door opened to reveal Neville. I threw my arms around him in worry.

Me- there you are! Where have you been?!

Neville- in here... preparing a surprise for you..

Me- a surprise?

He revealed a table with a paddle on each end.

Neville- Hermione told me that you used to play a muggle game called ping pong with your grandpa. So I talked with Professor Burbage to learn more about the sport..

Me- oh Neville... thank you

Neville- shall we play? You can teach me

Me- I would love to

We walk to opposite ends of the table

Neville- go easy on me love

Me- I will I promise

I hit the ball to his side of the table. Startled, he hit it back, gaining a point

Me- well done Neville!

Neville- this looks easy..

Me- and it will just get easier from there, now watch closely

We passed the ball to each other. Neville was a fast learner, soon he was pretty good at it. I was proud of him. It was a tied game, I was serving.

Me- ready?

Neville- ready

I serve the ball to him and he hits it back. It was getting tense the more we hit it back and forth to each other. Neville was getting fast. Suddenly, he surprises me and gains the winning point. We cheered

Me- you did it Neville!!

I threw my arms around him happily. We both laughed

Neville- I'm going to have to play more often, that was fun!

Me- I'm glad

I smiled at him

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