t h r e e

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•Natalies PoV•
I woke up to Crockett kissing down my neck, nipping at my skin. I rolled over to look at him and just smiled.

The happiness I felt in that moment was something I had never felt before, it was happiness I wanted to cling onto forever.

He pulled me out of my thoughts by capturing my lips with his, pulling me on top of him. I let out a laugh before kissing down his chest and then coming back up until our eyes met.

"We need to get up else we'll be late for work," I said, tapping him on the nose.

I knew we needed to talk about the night before but I didn't want to pressure him just yet. It had been a night where he relived all the pain of losing Harper and I knew how sensitive he could be when it came to her.

"Eh, it's worth it if it means staying in bed with you for an hour longer," he said, running his hands down my mostly naked body.

"As much as I would love that," I said, smirking mischievously, "We've already almost been fired once this week, I'd rather not risk it happening a second time."

I rolled off his chest and got out of bed, I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my clothes before making my way into the bathroom to shower.

I switched on the shower and let it heat up, before stripping. I was about to get in before an idea came to mind. I opened the door and leant against the doorframe.

"You know," I said, a mischievous glint in my eyes, "showering together saves water."

I watched as he jumped out of bed and followed me into the bathroom, joining me in the shower. So maybe inviting him into the shower with me wasn't the best idea considering we ended up running later for work than I had realised.


When Crockett and I finally arrived half an hour late to work we were greeted by a surprisingly cheerful Maggie.

"Dr Manning, Dr Marcel, your late," Maggie said, trying to sound stern but then sending us a cheeky wink. Crockett let out a quiet laugh and I just rolled my eyes at her, knowing what she was thinking.

Suddenly, her device started beeping "Dr Marcel, Dr Halstead, trauma bay 4 now." she shouted and Crockett rushed off to treat the incoming patient.

Once Maggie had everything under control she motioned me over and I prepared myself for the endless amount of questions she was about to throw at me.

"So, " she started "I'm guessing you and Crockett spent the night together last night, how was it?"

I took a moment to think about what I should say then realised it would be easier to tell her everything. Well, everything but Harper. I made a promise that I wouldn't tell anyone and it was a promise I didn't plan on breaking.

"Well, it was a little complicated," I said, and Maggie gave me a confused look implying that I should explain further. "I met his ex-wife last night." I figured cutting straight to the chase would be better than skirting around what she was bound to find out anyway.

I watched as her eyes went wide and her hand went straight to her mouth.

"Sorry, what?" she said, shocked. "You met his ex-wife."

I nodded slowly, "that's what I said."

I think she realised that it was a slightly touchy subject for me because she backed up and ended the conversation as quickly as it began.

"Look, Natalie, you're my friend and you mean the world to me. Be careful, I don't want him to hurt you." She said, placing her hand on my lower arm, looking me in the eye.

"Thank you, Maggie, I don't know what I'd do without you." I gave her a quick hug before going back to my paperwork.


I felt a hand against the small of my back, and I turned my head to see Crockett standing behind me.

"Hey," I said, gazing up into his rich, mysterious, dark brown eyes.

"Hey, how you-" he started when we were interrupted by a loud voice.


We looked at each other nervously, neither of us knowing why we were in so much trouble. Crockett discretely squeezed my hand before making his way towards Ethan's office, me following closely behind.

"You were both late this morning, care to explain why?" He asked. If looks could kill Crockett and I would be 6 feet under already.

"Yeah, Crockett's car broke down on the way to work so I gave him a lift," I said, the lie leaving my lips easier than I had expected.

"I'm going to give you two for the rest of the day and I expect you to come back to me with the truth. Now go." He said, raising his voice slightly before signalling for us to leave his office.

When we left his office I pulled Crockett into an empty room and leant my head on his chest. We stood there for a while just enjoying each others company before Crockett began to speak.

"So, what are we going to tell him?" he asked, brushing his hand against my cheek, moving a stray hair out of my face.

"I'm not sure, I mean i'm still not totally sure what us is." I replied honestly, trying not to feel overwhelmed by his chocolate brown eyes that seemed to be staring deep into my soul, "What I am sure of though, is that I want to be with you, if that's what you want."

For the first time since Will I let myself truly be vulnerable. I put everything on the line for love.

"I would love nothing more," He said, placing a gentle kiss on my lips before leaving to see his patient.

I just stood there, watching him leave. Wondering how I got so lucky.

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