Love is Madness

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The Yandere is a book series that explores the concept of mad love.

Because what is love if not Yandere?

For those who want a love so beguiling, so enthralling, so possessive and so captivating that you end up falling into madness.

Yes, madness and true love.

The book Bewitching Illusions (Yandere Prince), the first installment of the series, is available on Kindle for $6.99 and on Amazon for $11.99.

I have some chapters of the book on Wattpad that you can read for free so please read some and decide if the book is up to your taste. 

A detailed book review was written by Lexi, a reviewer from The CV Community. You can search for the review on Wattpad. Truth be told, this is my favorite, because this is the first book review I ever received.

There are also book reviews made on Goodreads by people who purchased copies of the book. I particularly like the one made by BookswithHarpreet. He purchased the book through Amazon.In where the review also appears. 

You can read the free chapters and the reviews before purchasing the book so that you can decide if it is something you would like to read.

I hope you enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed writing it. And I did enjoy writing the book. So much, in fact.

The concept of yandere has always been my favorite, and exploring it through this book series made me really happy. 

Because who among us can honestly say that he/she does not like a love like that? A love that drives one with need and longing so much so that it borders into insanity.

This for me is the strongest kind of love, the most potent of all the poisons in the world, and yet something one secretly yearns for.

Grab a copy of the first book in the series and find out why yandere is madness, but madness is true love. ❤️

❤️❤️❤️You can purchase the first book in the series, Bewitching Illusions: Yandere Prince, on Kindle for $6.99; on Amazon for $11.99; and soon on Audible and related applications and websites. ❤️❤️❤️

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