No More Apologies

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George ran out the door calling out to the girl. "Wait! We didn't mean to, I'm so-" Farrah stopped running abruptly standing still. George caught himself from crashing right into her back.

Farrah just stood there silently, her shoulders shaking. George reached out to touch her. "I am sorr-" Before George's fingers could brush her robes, she turned sharply to face him.

Tears ran down her face washing the flour from her cheeks, her eyebrows furrowed. Her eyes were flooded with confusion and frustration. She spoke softly "I don't want your apology anymore." she sniffled.

George recoiled his hand to his chest shocked. "I- I um-" What was he supposed to say?

Farrah clenched her fist tight at her sides. " I don't know what you have against me or why you keep trying to embarrass me but please just stop." Her voice got louder as she spoke taking a step towards him.

George backed up. His eyes wide as the full moon, mouth hung open. He took a sharp breath; what was he supposed to say? He didn't do any of this on purpose. His nerves were sending him mixed signals, he felt his lips turn to a smile. He always laughed when he was nervous.

"Do you think this is funny? Ruining my books, breaking my nose, and making me look like a fool?" Farrah's eyes were filled with rage but something caught her attention.

Other students had gathered around them, watching closely. Farrah's cheeks reddened. Looking from side to side she felt the embarrassment set in.

She turned back to George. Who was still shell shocked in his spot. She got up to him as close as she could as he towered over her.

"Don't talk to me. Don't even come near me. I never want to see you or your stupid brother's ugly face again!" she said sternly and then she turned around storming off.

George watched her run away still frozen in his place. He felt the cold air brush past him as the students dispersed whispering among themselves. 'What do I do?'

"Now that was something." Fred said standing behind his brother looking off towards where the girl left. He was still drenched in flour, more so than George or even Farrah. Fred rubbed his nose whipping the powder off.

George just looked at him, he didn't know what to say. Should he say anything? He didn't mean to hurt her. Fred just looked at his brother eyebrow raised, "Come on George, lets get you cleaned up." He laid his hand on George's shoulder and guided him towards the Gryffindor's dormitory.


     Farrah sat in the Hufflepuff common room, her curls wet and in her pajamas. She had sent her robes to be cleaned, took a shower, and now she was huddled up on the floor near the fire to keep herself warm.

     Her nose was red and raw, her eyes still wet from tears. She felt better than she had earlier but her heart was still heavy. Everyone was watching, staring at her as she let her emotions get the best of her.

    Farrah sighed and looked into the fire. She wanted the warmth to consume her, maybe then she wouldn't have to deal with the embarrassment. Leaning her head against the cold stone frame of the fireplace she took a deep breathe.

    The sound of the Hufflepuff entrance opening rumbled through the room. "Farrah! There you are, we've been looking everywhere for you!" Cedric said exasperated as he walked towards her. He crouched down next to her. "You rushed out so quickly we tried to catch you but you were already gone."

     Farrah looked at him and then towards the girl behind him. She was a tall girl with long blonde pigtails. "Are you alright?" She said with a strong accent and a small worried smile as she looked down at Farrah.

     Farrah nodded her head and offered a shy smile. Cedric looked between the two and looked back at Farrah. "River and I have been trying to find you. You missed Divination class, which was wild Miss Trelawney had us-"

      River interrupted him. " I don't think that really matters right now Cedric." With a sympathetic glance towards him she stepped closer, "What was that about? With the red haired boy I mean?" River sat next to Farrah and looked patiently.

     Farrah thought for a moment. What was that about? She still didn't know. The Weasley twins. Were they going to leave her alone now? Farrah sighed slouching back against the wall. Only time would tell.


I hope you guys liked the first year! The next chapter will be a time skip to the 2nd year as I dont want this one to drag on for too long <3

Hope all is well!! - Dimwit

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