II. Pressure

46 2 0

October 18, 2018


There is thirty seconds left in the game and the Eagles are down by 1. If the Eagles lose this game then it will end their win streak at 5.

Right now there is a wave of pressure on our team like always. Ever since Stephanie, Kavia, Draya, Andrea and I started coming to this school everyone expects us to be this dream team. We always fought hard as a team. This is our first year playing together. Kavia used to play on her dad's aau summer team. Stephanie was on Steph's Young Goat team with 6th graders. Andre and Draymond were busy training their kids together. Meanwhile, I decided to take two years off to train with my dad and I tore both of my ACL's. Now here we are all on the same team because our dads thought it was a great idea to put us all on the same team...and they're right. We watched as the Lady Jets passed the ball around to each other. Stephanie, Kavia and I kept switching on defense until Steph tapped the ball out of #3's hand. We were already half-way to the basket and Stephanie was about to lay it in when the ref blew the whistle.

"Timeout!" Coach Alan yelled.

"What?! Coach we had it!" Stephanie and I yelled.

"No you didn't, now come and sit!" He yelled.

I sighed and sat down on the bench as coach writes a random play that made no sense.

"Slant is not going to work, you already called that play the whole time in the first quarter. Their defense is good. We need to call 11 Out." I said.

"That's enough from you Thompson. It will work. Curry, Durant, Green, Iguodala and...Alexis go in." He said.

"What about me?" I asked.

"I've had enough of you for the game." He said.

"No I'm not getting out." I said.

I walked back on the court with the other starters and Stephanie gets the ball. Kavia sets the pick and roll. Stephanie gives her the ball before Kavia passes to Andrea and she quickly passes to me. I pump fake, dribble to the left, step back 3, and it's in at the buzzer. Instead of cheering, I looked at coach who just shook his head.

"You did it!" Stephanie screams.

After celebrating on the court, we walked to the locker room and got dressed.

After celebrating on the court, we walked to the locker room and got dressed

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"My mom asked if you wanted us to give you a ride. My brothers and sister are in there too so it might be crowded." Kavia said.

"I'm good, I can walk. Just tell Mrs D I said thanks for the ride though." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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