the End/ maybe...

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so I kinda wrote this at 2am after getting inspired while re watching aseul's level up project. this is very rushed and probably has a lot of errors but i missed writing and yeah... will probably regret posting this in the morning ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


''did we have to go today?'' whined Irene as she balled herself up on the caravan's copilot seat, wiggling on the place to try find a comfortable position to relax in. Stretching her legs over Jackson's was looking pretty good by now but unfortunately he was driving and distracting him would only make him annoyed which would then annoy her too because she hated getting yelled at by the younger boy, especially if she knew she deserved it.

''I told you in advance with a date and everything a month ago~'' whined Jackson back just to get on her nerves. He knew she wasn't in the mood to joke around right now after waking up from a short nap but that's exactly what gave him the courage to continue because he was driving and she couldn't do anything to him.

''yes! but my schedule changes everyday, how was I meant to know I had work today???'' she groaned for the 5th time. If it wasn't because that sofa bed smelled a bit weird she would've jumped back to sleep straight away.

''exactly! so if you didn't know, how was I meant to know?'' he took a quick glance her way with a smirk plastered on his face and found her dangerously pouting at him.

''stopping this unnecessarily big caravan to kick your ass is looking pretty good right now...''

''awe~ you know you wouldn't'' he laughed out loud by himself and looked her way once more just to quickly fix his view on the road again ''I- I know you wouldn't...'' he gulped feeling her threatening stare pierce his soul ''besides you love me too much, you wouldn't-''

''uh-uh, trust me baby... yes I would. In fact, how about we take a quick stop here and I can-''

''no-! I mean... I feel honoured but damn! if we stop the owner said that the motor might take a little while to turn on again and I know you can't wait to get there...noona...'' he only ever called her like that when he felt danger slowly creeping in and he needed it to halt before it was too late.

''hmm... alright then'' she grinned crossing her arms over her chest as she slumped herself back on the oddly lumpy leather covered seat ''do you know what the matter is with this thing? it's so uncomfortable and weird'' her nose scrunched trying to figure out why he had rented such an old and huge caravan with the space to accommodate both of their fellow group members.

''long story short, at first I chose a smaller and modern one because I thought it would be cool to see what they're like now a days but the rent place owner confused reservations and gave me this one instead. I couldn't tell him off, he was such an old and cute grandpa... so I just accepted it and left before anyone recognised me'' Jackson explained with every detail to make sure his girlfriend was clear with the story because by the look she gave him just before he started talking, he was pretty sure she was anticipating the chance she thought she finally had to roast something about his choices, because so far, all his choices were always the best and she felt jealous he was so good. Like when he chose to stick by Irene's side and annoy her until she finally noticed him, or when he chose the best present ever for their 5th anniversary, or when he bought a beautiful engagement ring she still didn't know about.

''you're so cute jackson-ah. you should've just told him he made a mistake, there's nothing wrong with that'' smiled Irene imagining how gentle he must've been with the old man. He's always had such a big and innocent heart, it hurt her so much when she was unintentionally harsh or rude with him because her job just couldn't let her throw all the love she wanted him to know he could have anytime he needed it ''and i'm sorry too... for being so irritable and out of place today... you know how the last week of promotions is always so exhausting and I had completely forgotten about the camping date you were so excited about. I'm such a bad girlfriend jackson...-''

''hey! that's not true!'' the caravan suddenly stopped at the side of the road and he quickly jumped out of his seat to pull Irene with him to the back where the sofa bed lay extended because she had taken a quick nap when he insisted she needed it to recharge some energy at the beginning of the journey ''you know i don't like it when you say that'' he told her seriously as he sat on the now bed and got her to sit over his lap ''you only say that when you're worried about something, so tell me, i'm all ears'' the only reason he had pulled over so quickly was because he knew Irene worried about these things more than she should and she lost confidence in herself as soon as she believed she brought nothing into the relationship. These thoughts often visited her when she was struggling with work and hadn't had a good rest to get rid of the stress, making it accumulate until she shut herself to the world, even to jackson. But after knowing her for 7 years and dating her for 5, he knew exactly what to do and say so she became his smiling cute bunny once again.

''jackson, I know I always ask this but... do you really love me?'' her lips pressed together as she lunged herself forward to wrap her arms around his waist and hide her face on his chest.

There she was again, doubting the love people offered to her because she was simply an amazing person.

"Joohyun... where are we right now?'' she gradually pulled her face back and looked outside the window.

''in the middle of a forest?''

''and why are we in the middle of a forest?''

''because we're going camping for the day...''

''so do you think I would take the risk to go pick you up from work with a big ass caravan, drive all the way to a mountain camping site yugyeom recommended, and spend with you a whole 2 days and 1 night all alone during my break if I didn't really, truly love you with my whole heart?'' she looked at his smiling face with beaming eyes because he was right... who would do all of that with someone they don't love? but she instantly lunged forward again and sighed.

''what if you fell out of love with me a long time ago and you're only doing this to not hurt my feelings? you are just too nice and-''

''baby no...'' he sighed massaging his temples ''why does someone so tiny have so many worries...'' his eyes wondered over her hidden face and he managed to place his hand over her cheek to give it a gentle pinch.

''I think I want to go home... I'm being so selfish but I don't want to ruin your mood like this'' he swore he could hear how she began to softly sob the distress away and he was only left with one option ''jackson... I love you so much but I really don't deserve you''

''what about this?'' he started rummaging his pockets for something ''what if I gave you this? would you still say I don't love you?''

"Jackson I don't know what you're talking about but I hate having you worry about me like this all the time, we really should just go back home and-" much to her surprise, in the last 5 years she had been jackson's girlfriend and he had been her boyfriend, she would've never thought the day would come when he would pull out a small squared box she 100% recognised to be carrying an engagement ring while they threw themselves in the middle of a forest, sitting on a bed that had probably been used in many not so kid friendly ways and while she sat on his lap with a very dishevelled bun and mascara running down her cheeks.

"surprise?" ha... he really hadn't planned giving it today at all. He only had it on him because she nearly saw it the day he bought it when she checked his bag for snacks and since that day leaving it anywhere else except on him made him anxious.

''what- th-this can't be- are y-you serious? are you... sure?'' the shock on her face made jackson slightly regret suddenly proposing in such a way but the moment she held his face with the mascara now reaching her chin and her lips instantly reached out to find his own for the kiss of his life, maybe swallowing down his nervousness and proposing in the worst way ever didn't seem that bad, don't you think?

''mmm baby, wait- so what do you say?'' the anxiousness ate him alive as he waited for her to somehow fix her hair and wipe the makeup she had rubbed on his face during the kiss.

''a serial killer forest, a weird smelling caravan, a hopefully fun camping day and the person I would stop a whole airplane for so I can kick their ass when they annoy me...''

''does that... mean no...?''

''nope... I think the problem here is that it means yes''


sequel to the rest of their day?

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