the actual End

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kinda long, hehe.


''woah Jackson look! we're here!'' her legs dropped form the caravan's front dashboard with a thud before she hurriedly edged away from her seat while pointing forward to the camping's entrance sign. Now that he had made sure she was well rested, fed and loved, she carried all the excitement in the world and it warmed his heart in so many ways.

''yup, I see it'' he chuckled pulling over by the reception to get their spot number and sign a few papers for agreements or whatever, to then quickly come back as soon as he left with the confirmation that everything was set and hopefully ready for them. 

Jackson was praying with his whole heart that the leaflets and Yugyeom were reliable enough to give him honest reviews on the site. By what the youngest had told him, this was a populated zone with no weird events happening in the past or anything that would make it hard for him to sleep at night. In fact, Yugyeom had once come here to stay over for three days by himself and the only bad thing he said he found were the bugs, which right now were not a big problem because they're still half way through February. He prayed the trust he gave these sources was enough to not disappoint himself. 

I mean, it's a camping site, nothing can be luxurious or extremely bad about it.

It was just the fact that this trip had suddenly become a pre-official engagement honeymoon type of thing and all he wanted was for it to be good enough for them to spend some quality time together with the idea in mind that they would be married hopefully... soon.

"this place looks, um... nice" said Irene trying really hard not to sound too disappointed at her first impression of the spot they would be staying in overnight.

So here's the thing. By what he had said over the phone, despite it being winter the area looked beautiful and colourful as the snow covered the ground and the trees kept their leaves to give it a nice and warm contrast as the immense lake peeked at them by the side.

The place the caravan was currently parking at did not look like the description he gave her at all. Maybe the snow was accurate, but that was pretty much it.

It all came down to Jackson and only Jackson because he planned everything alone, so she had only him to blame.

Now, what happened was that while looking at the booking slots, he found a really nice area that in fact matched the wonderful, full of expectation description he had given, but as he looked over the site, he made the hard decision to rent an area with a so-so view to the field and lake purely because that was the closest one to the showers and he knew he would be worried if Irene had to walk back in this cold weather with wet hair and the thin pyjamas she always wore so sleep. 

He's a whipped boyfriend, what can he do.

So the only problem left for him was that he wanted everything ready before even telling Irene because he knew that the moment he told her about sleeping in a caravan in the middle of nothing but winter, she would immediately hang up the phone on his face, which she did, and never bring up the topic again. 

However, Jackson was persistent in making sure the couple spent a lot of time together while doing things out of their bubble because it was fun and wholesome and he was at the edge of beating Mark up every time he came back bragging about another memorable and life-changing trip with Seungwan. So, he did the impossible and convinced her by revealing the time and money he spent renting everything, and maybe, only maybe, lying about the place he got at the end. It was a petty move, definitely. But it works every time and he's doing her a favour so she lives a vivacious and exciting life to later get stories out of to tell their grandchildren.

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