Chapter one:

19 7 5

I've been walking down this dusty road for about 20 minutes now. I have no idea where the hell I am, everywhere just looks the same. No buildings, no cars, not a single soul around. It is quiet though which can be a good thing but when it's too quiet it then becomes suspicious. I've got my gun and knife on me just in case I do see any of them running towards me.  I haven't for a while now anyway, i think it's been at least 2 years since I've last seen one. If I'm being honest there is a lot of them all over the world, I honestly have no idea where they all came from.  I've still not met up with Emma yet. Hopefully she is still alive. We always said that if anything happens in the world that we would meet up at a specific spot and stick together like we always have done since we were little. I mean, I might as-well stick with Emma now as I don't seem to have any of my family members around. They went missing years ago, I have absolutely no idea where they could be or if they are even alive. 

I'ts been 40 minutes since i first took off to meet Emma. I've had a lot of time to wonder if the world has always been like it has been or if something terrible happened for it to turn out the way it is. I think I've come up with so many scenarios in my my head that it's kept me occupied for a while. All of them sound insane but look at what the world is now, surely this hasn't been the normal for centuries and centuries. As I'm walking I've nearly tripped over something which has interrupted my trail of thought. I pick it up and dust it off and realise it is a book. I turn to the first page and realise it is a diary from about 100 years ago.

Saturday 12th February , 2022

Dear diary

This morning it was announced that the cases have dropped so much that it has basically disappeared. After 1 1/2 years of staying at home, watching the world rot whilst we could not do anything has finally gone. I just know that tonight people are going to be going out and celebrating. 

Our PM did say that if we are going to go out then to still be careful as even though we haven't had a single case for about 2 weeks now, we never know if it could come back again. I really cannot deal with Corona coming back for a third wave because my mental health definitely took a toll the whole time that Corona has been around. 

Tonight i want to go and meet up with my mates seeing as my dad has a day off work so he can look after mum, also as I haven't seen my mates in forever. I cannot remember the last time i actually went out to have fun instead of food shopping whilst dad goes to work and mum stays at home, ill. Talking about mum, it was so scary for us when the heat of the virus was so hot because we didn't exactly know what was wrong with her and it wasn't like we could go to the hospital to diagnose her, as all hospital beds were taken and all doctors and nurses were extremely busy with Covid patients. So the best thing we could all do was to make sure that none of us were to catch Covid or any other type if illness as we didn't know how badly it could affect mum if she were to catch something. So none of us were to go out unless it was dad for work ( as we still needed money ) or me to go food shopping. 

As I'm the oldest sibling (17) I was the only one to go outside ( apart from dad ) as my siblings are from the ages of 4 years old to 13 years old. I didn't mind doing the shopping but sometimes it was so scary due to all rules being so strict. Police would be at every shop and when I say every shop, even the most pointless shops has police. You would also get fined £200 if you were not wearing your face mask at all times when outside. You would also get questioned on where you were going and if you were ever caught going outside for anything other  reason than getting all the necessaries then something bad would happen. No one exactly knows what would happen unless you were to see for yourself but no one has the balls to do that. So we are just left stuck in the unknown. Not really surprised if I'm being honest, ever since the first case of Coronavirus we have been in the unknown. I don't even think our PM knew what he was doing. 

Obviously schools were not open, so on top of looking after mum and my siblings I also had my schoolwork to do. I was making sure that my grades were extremely good as i want to go to uni next year and study psychology, either here in England or abroad in America. It would be amazing if I were to study abroad as it would look pretty good for any job applications in the future. 

Right I've got to go now, I need to complete some chores if I wanna go out and meet my friends. 

Speak to you soon, 

- Mia 

Is this real? Was there actually something called Coronavirus? If so what happened to it? 

I never knew that a diary would be this interesting, wait till I tell Emma about what I have found. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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