Episode 2

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The scene begin with door opening.

"Come in",

Jin looks at Jungkook, who's standing beside him and said. Both made steps into the other's house. Jin allowed Jungkook to drop him off at his apartment only because he was being so adamant.

Once they arrived Jungkook wanted to say goodbye but end up with following Jin into his house while, Yoongi and Hoseok waiting in the car for Jungkook, at the apartment parking lot.

Jin turn on the light and Jungkook looks around. Compares to his, the other's house is so small and not luxury but....nice. When he see no one around-

"Do you live here alone?",

Jungkook asked at Jin, who showing his back at him and taking off his shoulder bag. Jin sighed as he stay in silent. Jungkook looks around again.

"Both my parents died before I turned 7. I have seen them only in the picture.",

Jungkook looks at him. Jin let out faint smile.

"Most people think they'll have their parents around forever. And a lot of them are right. They don't have to experience the loss of a parent until much later in life. However, some aren't so lucky. They lose their parent at a young age, and know what's it's like to go through a terrible loss like that. I was one of those unfortunate kid.",

He said, turns around to see Jungkook still looking at him.

"I had a brother. His name is Seojin, who raised me after our parents died in a car crash. He is 4 years older than me.....My brother give up his freedom, his time, and his energy that he could have been using on something like going to college or being a normal adult but instead of that he was putting all of his effort into raising me. He was my brother-mom. Still my brother, but with the motherly role. And he raised me like his own children",

"Where is he now?",

Jungkook asked and Jin sighed.

"He died, 6 months ago",

Jungkook blinks.

"I'm..i'm sorry",

Jin huffed.

"Why are you saying sorry for my mistake?",

Jungkook frown.

"He died because of me.....We are not wealthy like you. My brother struggled a lot. The salary he got from his previous work isn't enough for us to run our daily life. He wants to get better, earn more money to take a good care of me, our life.....but the path he chose was wrong.",

Jungkook didn't interrupt Jin, kept listening to him.

"He met a Mafia like you and joined as his part time driver. *huffs* I warned him so many times, leave the job but he didn't. Few months back, police caught that mobster and his working mans red-handed while exchanging the drug with money...My brother was there too. There was a shootout between police and them.....They all got shot by police and died on the spot...including my brother...",

Jungkook begin to feels sympathy over the other's lost. He heard about the news too. That mobster was Jungkook's target but before he could do anything, police have killed him. Yet he have no idea Jin's brother was working for him and died on that day.

Jin continued.

"I lost my brother, who was everything to me. I tried to forget but I can't. I wanted to know what actually happened on that day. Few days ago, I went to meet the reporter who eye witnessed that shootout.",

Jungkook frown as he stared at Jin, who said, looks down and gritting his teeth.

"My brother begged for mercy, asked that police officer to let him go because he was just a driver and he didn't do anything...but that officer didn't. He got brutally murdered by that fucking officer. He shot an innocent man! The reporter secretly took video of that shootout but that officer caught him, seize his camera and destroyed the evidence.",

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