Intro Part 2: A piece is missing

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It's been three years since Kuro was abducted, two since he was declared dead, and only a few months since things started to get a little better at home. When he first went missing Summer and Ruby were the first to break completely break down then was Yang and lastly me and Qrow. Summer became possessive of things that was his or that had reminded her of him such as his favorite toys, clothes, the scarf she made him, and some photos of him and Ruby. Anytime she was unable to fine one of these items she would go into a fit of sorts, breaking down crying while searching franticly until she found it scared to forget him or to lose more of him. Yang did he best to keep every ones spirits up, a smile on her face to try to help distract us or give us some hope he was still out there. In reality this hit her like a truck. When she was around us she would always try to keep a smile, but when she was alone. I had just gotten back from a mission that was mandatory, Summer and Ruby were both asleep on Kuro's bed, Qrow was out drinking at a bar somewhere, and Yang, I walked up stairs to find her sitting in the corner of her her room silently balling while griping onto a necklace that Kuro had gotten her as a gift. It was a simple chain with Yang's new emblem hanging from it, on the back engraved in small letters worlds best big sister.

I remember when I first made Yang's emblem, I was just going to have summer put it on jacket or shirt style she liked, but Kuro came up to me when he found out what I was doing

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I remember when I first made Yang's emblem, I was just going to have summer put it on jacket or shirt style she liked, but Kuro came up to me when he found out what I was doing. He asked if we could also make a neckless and if he could help make it. Remembering the past I slowly shut the door and cried myself, not knowing what to say that already hasn't been said. Qrow started drinking even more then usual, and coming around the house even less. Me, I started drinking and joining Qrow at the bar. I stopped mostly after Yang had the bright idea to go looking for her real mother and took Ruby with her in hopes that she would be able to find Kuro. That journey only ended with them having a near death experience, and Yang learning that even if she found Raven she wouldn't have been able to find Kuro, bring us all even more tears. But out of all of us Ruby was hit the hardest. Her and Kuro were attached at the hip since birth. The sudden kidnaping of her brother took a piece of her spark as well. I still remember that day so clearly.

*flash back*

Yang and I have been training in hand to hand combat, we just started a few weeks ago when she unlocked her semblance. 

Tiayang: Remember to keep your stance strong, it wont matter if you can give a hit if you cant take one as well.

Yang is dusting herself off from getting herself knocked over.

Yang: ok dad.

After a few more minute's of training Qrow walks in to view. Once Yang catches sight of him she drops training and goes straight to give him a bear hug.

Yang: Uncle Qrow!

Qrow: Hey there firecracker how's training going?

Yang: Its good, dads not holding back.

Tai: And I have good reason to, with that semblance of yours if I hold back ill be the one hurting.

Qrow: Ha you finally admitting to getting old there Tia?

Tia: Not even close.

After Qrow and I have a small laugh Summer walks out of the house with a worried look on her face.

Qrow: what's wrong Short stack, something happen. 

Summer: were is Ruby and Kuro?

Tia: O don't worry Sum there right over-

As soon as I looked over to were I last saw them only to see them not there I started to panic.

Tia: Ruby, Kuro were you two.

We all started to look around franticly trying to find them, then we heard rustling of leaves and let out a sigh. That was till we heard crying with it. Ruby came running out of the forest with Zwei in her arms all her clothes torn small cuts and bruises all over, and tears running down her face. As soon as she saw us even more tears started to run down her face as she ran to me.

Tia: whoa what's wrong Rose bud where's your brother.

When she started to speak it was almost not understandable through all the tears.

Ruby: Th-the m-mean man h-has him.(crying)

I started to panic, someone has my son.

Tia: Whoa calm down, what happened?

Ruby: W-we were p-playing with Zwei w-when he ran to the w-woods. We c-caught him b-but them a strange man c-came around saying h-he was t-told to get us. B-big brother told him n-no, then g-grab big brother and started t-to hurt him and big brother told m-me to run. He's hurting b-big brother, he's hurting him.(crying)

Before Ruby even finished Qrow had already ran into the woods to start looking for him. As soon as Ruby finished Summer took her and wrapped her in a hug while rocking her back and forth telling her it would be ok, Yang did her best to help Summer while I sprinted after Qrow to help him with the search. I caught up to Qrow stopped.

Tia: Qrow what's wrong, is it Kuro.

Qrow simply turned around holding a small broken branch covered in blood.

Tia: No don't tell me-

Qrow: No Tia I doubt its his blood, from looking at the evidence it looks like our little rose put up a fight.

Some hope started to fill up inside of me. If he put up a fight then he maybe got away.

Tia: Then there's still a chance that he got away, come on we need to keep looking.

Qrow gives me a nod as we continue of search, we look for hours only to find what looks to be a shattered jar, and a rock with blood on it. I want to keep looking but it was already getting dark, and it was already painfully obvious that he had been caught, if he dint we would have found him by now. We start making our back to the house. We get to the house and make our way inside, we are met first with Summer pacing back and forth in the living room. Once she sees us she starts to smile, until she sees someone missing.

Summer: Tia were is Kuro?

The only response was Qrow taking out his flask and drinking all its contents before sitting down on the couch and resting his head in his hand while I just walk up to her and give her a hug letting the tears fall from my eyes not knowing how to say that we just lost our son. Summer then embraced me in a hug of her own putting her head on my chest as she started to cry as well. 

Ruby: Dad were is big brother?

I turn around to see Ruby at the top of the steps and Yang right behind her.

Tia: I'm sorry Rose bud, but.

I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence. Ruby then fell to her knees and started to cry, but she made no noise. Her eyes widened as tear flowed down her cheeks and for her once brilliant silver eyes to turn to a cold steal gray while yang hugged her and shed some tears herself.

*flash back end*

I still remember Ruby's face showing nothing, it was as if she became a husk of her former self. She wouldn't even eat cookies because she wanted to have them with her big brother. Now a days we are doing better. Ruby got some of her young spark back, Yang still hurts but she doesn't cry anymore or at least as bad, Summer has started sleeping in our bed again, I've cut back on my drinking to the point I don't come home as a train wreck, and Qrow well he visits more often. Though in the end even if things have gotten better, without Kuro......

A piece will always be missing.

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