The Ice Cream Parlor

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Chapter 4The Ice Cream Parlor

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Chapter 4
The Ice Cream Parlor

November 1986

Today is Saturday, which means everyone is off of work. Which should be a good thing, but everyone is moody today. I'm not sure what's got everyone down, but it's throwing my whole day off.

I was hoping to get my mind off the whole demon thing by hanging out with my friends and laugh till my ribs hurt, but they've really set a mood.

I suggested we all go to Cold Cones since it's surprisingly warm out for November weather, and no one else had any better suggestions so we went. And here we stand in line.

I ordered a scoop of strawberry with a chocolate covered cone, Elijah got chocolate brownie, Oliver ordered a scoop of chocolate and a scoop of strawberry, Joslyn ordered two scoops of Rocky Road, Daniel got Moose Tracks, and Paislee ordered a scoop of rainbow sherbet with chocolate sprinkles.

I spot a booth in the back corner by a window and quickly jog over before anyone else can get it.

"There's literally no one here, Bex. It's like winter outside, remember?" Elijah laughs.

I slide into the booth.

"It's like seventy-six degrees outside. That's insane for November weather, sir."

Oliver slides in beside me, Daniel following suit. Leaving Elijah to sit across from me while Joslyn and Paislee sit beside him.

"You got me there, but still, not many people are going to think 'hmm, yes let me go get some ice cream on this fine afternoon'. Seriously Bexley, where did we find you?" Elijah shakes his head, licking at his ice cream.

"If you're suggesting where did you find me as a friend, you found me. And for your information, you were desperate for a new friend." I smile sarcastically.

"I was going to say we found you on the planet dipshit, but that story works too, I suppose."

"I hope you choke on a chunk of brownie."

Elijah keeps eye contact with me as he bites into his ice cream before chewing it slowly.

"Mmm." He smiles.

This is pretty common for Elijah and me to do. It's all fun, but we know how crazy it sounds to outsiders. Our friends pretty much know now it's just jokes, but from time to time they'll butt in. This is one of those times apparently.

"So how's your ice cream?" I turn to face Oliver, who raises a brow waiting for an answer. I take another lick, still looking at him.

"It's pretty good actually."

"It better be, cause you talked me into the strawberry."

"It's good, I promise."

He smiles at me, and for a moment it feels as if it's just us two. A throat clears, and the two of us are brought back.

"So you two gonna kiss now or what?" Daniel teases.

I make a quick glance at Elijah, but he looks down. I know he's hurt. It's how he always gets. He closes up, won't speak to you, gets all moody, and won't make eye contact.

I sigh, moving my gaze to Daniel.

"In your dreams, jackass."

I look back at Oliver to see his reaction. I can't help but frown at the notice of disappointment on his face. It's slight, but I caught it. However, his face soon goes completely blank.

The afternoon is filled with small talk here and there. We talk about how work is going and the latest gossip. Joslyn and Paislee pitch in quite frequently, which makes me smile inwardly to myself.

Either the trip up to the cabin scared the shyness out of them, or it just made them realize we're complete freaks and there's nothing they could possibly do to embarrass themselves in front of us.

Paislee's currently talking about a poodle that was brought into the groomers yesterday. Apparently he had an absolute fit when Paislee tried to give it a bath. It's pretty funny. I'm laughing pretty hard.

The bell rings, signaling a customer coming in. Normally, I wouldn't even look up, especially now, I'm too distracted by the story, but for some reason I do. Maybe because it's the middle of November, and our group is one of the few crazy enough to get ice cream at a time like this.

Although, once I look up, I wish I never did.

It's hard to forget that green eyed chiseled face. My laughter quickly dies and I try to cough quietly into my arm, out of awkwardness.

I try not to look back up, but I can't help but perk my ears to see what he orders. What the hell does a demon order at an ice cream parlor?

"Can I get two scoops of strawberry ice cream with hmm, let's see... I'll do a chocolate covered cone."

You've got to be shitting me.

My heart could drop to my stomach right now for real, and I wouldn't known the difference. My chest tightens as I look down at my crossed arms on the table. I lean into my chest more. Joslyn is talking now, but I can't make out any words.

"Here you go, sir. That'll be $3.43"

"Thank you very much. Here you are."

The sound of a cash register rings in my ears before I get too nosey and look up. Boy, do I regret that.

He takes a seat on the other side of the shop, taking a phone out and scrolling through it. I watch as his tongue glides over the strawberry scoop of ice cream. I can't lie to myself and say this is a coincidence because it's not. He's not even human.

I also can't lie to myself about how I'm feeling. It sounds preposterous to say, I'm getting aroused by him eating ice cream. But here I sit getting aroused by a man licking ice cream.

Every time his tongue reaches out, it seems as if he glides it slower, taking the flavor in even more, before running his tongue over his lips to collect any he may have missed.

I know I'm starring and I know he knows I'm staring, but he keeps his eyes focused on the screen in front of him. It's almost like he's got me in a trance and I can't find myself to look away.

Is this normal? Am I okay? No, clearly I'm not. What's his game? Do demons have game? What is he doing to me?

His eyes look away from his phone, ending my trance, and I quickly look back towards my friends. Oliver is now talking and I try my hardest to focus. I can hear a chair screech and I know he's getting up to leave. Good. Goodbye, good riddance.

The bell never chimes though. I wait and wait, but it doesn't chime. Maybe he's getting napkin or something? Once again my curiosity speaks before my brain, forcing my eyes to shift towards where he's sitting.

The chair is empty. I see movement in the corner of my eye, and I focus in to see him walking to the exit. I try to focus my attention back on Oliver, but I can't.

He reaches for the door, but not before turning our way. His eyes meet mine and with a big smirk, he winks before leaving the ice cream parlor completely.

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