Chapter 68: "Film Emperor Yu, Happy Birthday."

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Before Yu Bai's birthday arrived, Lan Lan sent the finished porcelain to the filming site.

Sheng Xing Ze looked at the porcelain in his hands, looking at the two big head chibi drawings stood and held hands together, one smiled brightly and the other had a restrained smile on.

Imagining the scene when Yu Bai received this gift in his mind, Sheng Xing Ze could not help but chuckle, as if time passed faster and soon he would be home.

A week before Yu Bai's birthday, Sheng Xing Ze apologized during his daily video call with Yu Bai:

"Film Emperor Yu, I can't come home for your birthday," the regret on his face was clearly shown, and Yu Bai did not think much of it, thinking that Ye Shuang Yang refused to let him off.

"That's just how Director Ye is," Yu Bai comforted him.

"This is the first birthday since we got together."

"Xing Xing, we will have many birthdays together in the future."

Sheng Xing Ze looked at Yu Bai and smiled constantly, when Yu Bai asked him what he was smiling about, he did not tell him; but, he just kept on looking and smiling at Yu Bai.

Yu Bai felt so helpless that he just waited for Sheng Xing Ze to finish smiling.

"I'll have a fanmeeting on my birthday. I guess I will be home late. Don't wait for me at night."

"When will it start?"

"Seven o'clock in the evening."

"I happen to have night shoots that day too," Sheng Xing Ze lied without blinking an eye.

He complained in a low tone, "Director Ye is really not a good person, and he wants to retake any scene, he will blatantly scream retake, totally disregard the finance of the filming."

"He just wants you to do better."

"Film Emperor Yu, treat yourself something good on your birthday, so don't go filming during the day. The meeting at night is already hard enough." Sheng Xing Ze told him.

"Okay, no filming, stay home during the day."

The day before Yu Bai's birthday, Sheng Xing Ze asked Ye Shuang Hang for time off. He stayed in the hotel room until midnight. He timely sent blessings to Yu Bai on Weibo. He even sent a "Happy Birthday" text to the man in message.

"You're still awake?" Yu Bai immediately called him.

"It's to wish you Happy Birthday," Sheng Xing Ze smiled.

"Silly, you don't need to be so punctual." Although Yu Bai was saying it is not needed, his voice was full of sweetness.

"Is it okay to do video call?" Sheng Xing Ze asked.

Yu Bai hesitated, and just as he was about to say it is not a good time, Sheng Xing Ze's video call came in.

Yu Bai turned on the light and found a better lighting angle to show his face.

Although Yu Bai tried his best to conceal it, Sheng Xing Ze could see his exhaustion at a glance, "Are you not taking a good rest?!" Sheng Xing Ze felt both distressed and uncomfortable.

"You should pay attention to your body when you're getting older, otherwise I will leave you alone when you are old."

Yu Bai smiled at these words, "Are you already thinking that I'm getting old?"

Sheng Xing Ze frowned and said, "yes."

Yu Bai covered his face and smiled, his shoulders trembling constantly.

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