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It's friday, and I'm not exactly excited to be going to this fight. I have a test on Monday, that I am NOT ready for. A 20 page paper due at the end of the month and, oh yeah!


Seriously. Remind me to ask Ian where his off button is. Because I can't find it.

After he fucked the leggy blonde, he came and TOLD ME ABOUT IT. This man, might actually be the stupidest person on the planet. Basically, there's just no way I'm losing this bet.

However, he did sound like he know what he was doing when he described it to me.

Granted, I'm a 19 year old virgin, with literally zero sexual experience, and an attitude.

I've decided that, due to the fact that he wants to tell me all about his little adventures, I'm going to branch out and wear something a little more on the scandalous side of things to the fight tonight.

Basically... make him mad, jealous, distracted, or none of the above.

I put on the outfit of a black lacey see through lingerie top tucked into black skinny jeans, a belt and black combat boots. I accessorize with gold jewelry. I curl my hair and walk out of the bathroom.

The girls look up from their placement on either bed. I swear their jaws drop.

"Girl, you look hot as FUCK." Lily comments. I do a little spin so they can see the whole thing a little better.

"Cute, right?" I say glancing down at the fit.

"CUTE? YOU LOOK LIKE A MAN KILLER!" Aubrey exclaims.

"You know what, I don't even think I'd be mad if Ben hit on you while you're wearing that." Jen says.

I laugh and the rest of the girls get ready.

"Wheres Ben meeting us?" Lily asks.

"He said he'd meet us outside the venue."

"Right. Well then. Let's get going!" I say the girl and I walk out to the uber we previously called and told him where we were going. He dropped us off, looking like he was ready to be rid of our giggling. I turn around after all the girls are out.

"I'm really sorry we were being annoying. I hope we didn't ruin your night!" I say handing him $20 because I feel awful.

He looks at me like he might cry.

"Thank you so much!" He exclaims taking the money from me.

"Of course! Have a good rest of your night." I smile at him which he returns, brightly. I get out of his car and walk over to the girls who are now gathered with Ian, Mike, Robert, Cam, and another guy I don't recognize.

I throw my arm around Aubrey.

"What's up losers!" I say and all the guys look over at me and smile before going back to their conversation.

Mike is the fist one to do a double take. Then the rest follow.

"Dylan." Ian warns. "Nathan's not going to be happy with you."

I roll my eyes and ignore him.

"You must be Ben. I'm Dylan!" I say holding my hand out for him to shake. He slips his hand into mine giving me a small smile before intertwining his hand with Jen's.

I give her a discreet thumbs up.

Ben is exactly how I imagined him. He's blonde with freckles and give you a surfer vibe. He looks about 6'1 and is pretty skinny. His hair is messy and hangs over his eyes, and his smile is a little crooked.

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