chapter six: ari's insta dms

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tomholland2013 wants to send you a message

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Hey Ari! Uhh, I'm Tom 😅
But you already knew that 🤦🏽‍♀️😅🤦🏽‍♀️😅
But I just wanted to say that I'm a fan of your music! I have been since your debut, actually. And I especially loved your work in In Nova Street - I was really inspired by your performance! It made me want to be a better actor. 😃
I also wanted to say how incredibly strong I think you are. With what you've endured already, your courage is truly admirable.
Okay so I've been fangirling for the last little bit now and I'm really sorry about that
I also know the chance of you replying to this is really slim so I'm probably just talking to myself at this point 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
But if you do read this, I meant and will continue to mean everything I just said!
Okay I'm gonna shut my mouth now.
I wish you all the best, love 💕

hello! thank u so much for the thoughtful words! i'm incredibly honoured to have played a small bit of influence in your life! ur an incredible young actor! i am truly looking forward to seeing what u have in store for the future! 🤗
u are incredibly sweet!

Sorry, I would've answered sooner but I had to save myself from passing out
Has anyone ever told you that you're literally the sweetest human being in the world?
I'm floored by how kind and sweet you are.

ur one to talk! ur v kind urself
i gtg now, but thank u for reaching out to me!
hopefully we can talk more in the future!

i'm really looking forward to that!

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