𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4

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I was awoke by the sounds of the Mokke whispering, I slowly tried to open my eyes but immediately shut them again when the blinding early morning light hit me face.
"Morning" I say tiredly to the Mokke as I rub my eyes, hoping they will adjust to the light soon.

I went to push myself up when I suddenly stopped as I felt a tugging on my waist. I quickly turned my head, I was met with Hanakos sleeping figure. Aww he looks so cute when he's asleep! I think to myself.

The memories of last night slowly started to come back to me, I relaxed a bit remembering how I got myself in this position.

The Mokke had now left to roam the school before it started for the day, leaving me alone with a sleeping Hanako. I layed back into him trying to fall back to sleep with no avail.

Great i think to myself after spending 30 minutes trying to fall back into my relaxing sleep. 'I guess I will have to wake Hanako up after all' I think to myself as I turn my face to face Hanakos.

He looked so peaceful and relaxes when sleeping, his hair was messily placed just over his eyes. I giggle as I start to poke his cheek.

"Hanako-kunnn~" I say gently I'm a soothing voice. No use he was still fast asleep.
"Hanako-kun" I say in a normal voice poking him a little harder. He shifted in his sleep a little but then went back to his original position. 'Goddamn it Hanako, wake to hell up!" I think to myself as I start to aggressively poking his cheek.
"Hanako wake up!" I yell at him. Finally getting a response, his eyes fluttered open showing his startled brown eyes adjusting to the sunlight.

"Finally your awake!" I say as I realise myself from his grasp and walk over to the bathroom mirrors and start fixing my bed hair a little.

"Geez its bright" I hear Hanako hiss from the window.
"Yeah the early morning suns a bitch" I replay to him giggling at what I said.

I fix my hair and splashed some water onto my face to try and help me wake up, it helped a bit but I still just felt like sitting around all day.

Hanako on the other hand was already bouncing around and trying to get my attention, he's just like a little puppy always wanting to be shown affection.
"Hanako-kun it's to early for this" I say as he started tackling me into a bear hug. He ended up winning and with me on the floor with the brown haired apparition flopped on top of me.

I huffed out a sigh in annoyance as I tried to shove him off of me, but that only made him start to tickle my sides making me scream out in laughter.
"OK OK IM SORRY ILL STOP!" I yell between breaths and laughter
"How about....No" Hanako says as he starts tickling me.

"Hey is everything ok in here? I hear scresming!" I look up from Hanakos grasp and see a now very blushing Nene standing at the bathroom door.

"I-I umm did I i-interrupt something?" The poor girl says looking down at the floor with embarrassment.

"Yeah you did we where having s-" I quickly cover Hanakos mouth before he could get his last words out and make this more of a misunderstanding than it already was.

"No you weren't we where having a tickle war" I say blushing slightly at how unconvincing and immature that sounded saying out loud, but it was true!
"Oh umm ok, well I have class to get to bye!" Nene says running out, with the blush still spread across her face.
"Poor child" I say quietly to myself. Thinking about what she thought she just walked in on, actually now that I'm thinking about it it starting to cringe. Great what am I meant to do now.

I turn back around to see what Hanako was doing and to my surprise he wasn't running around or breaking anything, instead he was sat at the window. However as I got closer to him I saw he had a smirk spread across his face. This can't be good I think to myself as I sit myself next to him.

He immediately rested his head into my shoulder and looked off out of the window at the incoming students, who wanted to get to school before the bell rang.

"Why didn't you let me finish my sentence~" Hanako says softly into my ear, his warm breath going onto my neck making my hairs stand up. I froze not knowing what to say to him or if I should even answer him, I meant what type of question is that.

At this point I was a complete blushing mess, I just had ignored Hanakos question and continued to stair out the window still thinking about what he had said to me.
"Fine. Don't answer" Hanako says with a fake sad face as he stands up and starts to walk over to the door.
"Wait, where are you going?" I ask him as I stand up from the window. Walking towards him, only for him to grab into my wrist and start pulling me out the door with him.

"That's a secret"

𝓽𝓱𝓮 8𝓽𝓱 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻|hanako x readerWhere stories live. Discover now