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The Pumpkin Cafe was a new restaurant two blocks away from the hospital Law worked at. It had opened not too long ago, but somehow was already quite popular among his colleagues. From what he'd heard, the place sold the best strawberry cheesecake for miles. And since Luffy just so happened to love food, Law figured that this would be the ideal place to seduce Luffy.

Luffy being the oh so oblivious little cinnamon roll he was, was simply excited to be going out with Law.

The corners of Law's lips turned up as he stared at discretely at Luffy. He couldn't help but admire the subtle changes in his appearance. He had lost almost all the baby fat in his cheeks and now had a (kinda cute) heart shaped face with full cheeks, now flushed from the cold. His hair was still a mess, and Law didn't think he would ever be able to sit still long enough to run a brush though it.
In terms of character he hadn't changed at all. Still that same bright, sunny little Luffy, with his blinding smile.

Law's cheeks reddened. He was hopelessly in love.....wasn't he?


This wasn't the plan, he was supposed to be seducing Luffy, but instead he was acting like a lovesick teenager.

God. He was pathetic.

He snuck a peek at his partner once more, which prompted a whole new round of butterflies in his stomach. His face was hot and his palms sweaty.

Luffy looked up at Law. He smiled mischievously as he caught a glimpse of red-tipped ears. He stopped walking, gently taking Law's hands in his own and bringing them up to his cheeks, all the while staring straight into Law's molten-gold eyes.

"You feel warm."

Law's face could now effectively pass off as a tomato. What the fuck did Luffy think he was doing?
Law's heart was racing a million miles a second.

"I think I may be sick" of being stupidly in love with you.

"Oh. Do we need to go back to the hospital? Do you need something to drink? You should have said something if you weren't up to it, silly Torao"

Aaannnnnnd he had successfully ruined the moment.


Law felt like bashing his head into a lamppost.

"No was.......nevermind.....let's just go, I'm fine"

Luffy snuck a suspicious glance at Law before shrugging his shoulders and dragging Law towards the cafe which was now in sight.
Law simply let him, cursing the universe for making him so fucking stupid and for making Luffy an oblivious little shit.

As they stepped into the cafe, the smell of freshly brewed pumpkin-spice latte overwhelmed them. "Welcome to the Pumpkin Cafe!!" a petite blonde sporting twin braids exclaimed, smiling gently at the duo.

"Conis!!" Luffy cried, leaping at her before Law could grasp the back of his collar. Laughter bubbled from Conis' lips as the raven shook her back and forth, spouting incoherent nonsense.

Law simply stood and watched, now feeling left out and slightly jealous........
Ok fine, maybe it was more than slightly.

Almost as if he sensed Law's discomfort, Luffy let go of Conis,bounding back to Law's side and grabbing his hand.
"Torao, meet Conis, my friend from highschool. Conis, meet Torao, my BOYFRIEND!!"

Law sputtered, choking on his own spit for a split second, his head snapping towards Luffy, who was now sporting an ear-splitting grin.

Law, felt faint.


Had he missed the part where Luffy had asked him out?

The girl, Conis, stared at them, slack-jawed, her eyes as wide as two dinner plates for a split second before she coughed, collecting herself and mustering a weak smile.

"Oh my. Well, I'd love to hear how you two met?"



"So how'd you two meet?" Conis asked, her chin propped on her palm as she stared intently at Luffy and Law.

"Long story" Law muttered, scowling. He refused to make eye contact with this strange woman who was apparently Luffy's friend.

Luffy on the other hand seemed completely oblivious to Law's foul mood as he nursed his caramel macchiato. "We've known each other since we were little" he chirped, giving Conis a blinding smile.
Conis giggled, "That's cute. How old were you guys?"

"Who cares?", Law didnt like this woman, and he sure as hell wasn't going to pretend to either.

Luffy simply laughed off Law's mean little responses.

"Enough about us, how've you been?"

Law turned his head away as the conversation between Luffy and Conis droned on. Irritation bubbled in his gut. Why did it seem like everytime things were getting good between him and Luffy, some twat came along and ruined everything?

His forehead creased as he frowned. However, it went away almost immediately, as a most interesting revelation hit him.

'Well, atleast Luffy's my boyfriend now, I guess something good has come out of the woman after all.......'

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