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I am vasudev nandini krishnanuja subhadra. I know you all know my entire life. You all had seen my life from different point of views. Once my bhratasri had told to me before his departure to his celestial place that in next era many more things will be changed which will be beyond of everyone's imagination capability. The changes of next era will be earth shaking. Though I didn't get the full meaning of his saying, I knew it would be true definitely.

My bhratasri told to me that in upcoming time the existence of truth will be detoriated. People will view all happenings from their point of view. They will judge the truth rather than accepting it. So I am all here to say about my actual life nd ask you some questions. I don't know weather you will accept the whole truth or not. But still I want to do my part.

So let's start from base of my life. I am the youngest child of my family. Apple of my parents' eyes, heartbeat of my brothers, most pampered for my sister in laws. I was the pride of yadavas nd jewel of dwarka. I always have a peaceful nd content life as a maiden. My brothers were very caring nd concerned about me. They gave me everything before I wished.

Hearing this you all must be thinking that I had an enjoyable life as a princess. Yes you all are right. Of course I had it. I admit I had grown up between luxuries but my brothers hadn't let me remained ignorant about struggle nd hard reality of life. Because they didn't want the base of my life to be weakened.

I know hearing about my pampered life many of you will assume me as a delicate nd childish princess. It's normal also. But I am saying rather than those also my personality had other shades of qualities. Now I will ask you all some questions. Be reasonable while defining the answers. You will know the truth about my personality itself.


(1) I was the most pampered in my family. But does it mean that I couldn't be strong enough to face hardships?

(2) I was childish. My brothers kept all the odds away from me. So because of it couldn't i have maturity in my sense?

(3) Can't innocence nd boldness can be together? If yes then why can't I be bold despite of been innocent?

(4) Shri sheshnaag is my dau. Do you all think that he hadn't taught me warrior skill. If answer is no then why there is doubt of me being a warrior?

(5) Dwarkadish sri krishn is my bhratasri. Do you all assume him careless about developing the level of intellectual in me? If no then why there should be questions about my intelligence?

(6) My  birth wasn't divine. But does it indicate that I couldn't have extra ordinary personality?

(7) I may be a mere human. But don't humans have capacity to uplift from the level of human boundaries? Hadn't it ever happened in the history of epic? If yes then why there is misconception that i didn't had any excellence in my

Put these questions on the testing criteria of your conscience. You will realize the truth itself.

So sakhis, it's the first chapter. I have done my part. Now it's all of yours turn.

Give your suggestions freely.

All of yours love is "ANMOL" for me.


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