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Flower Shop AU

Johnlock (John Watson x Sherlock Holmes)

John Watson was standing behind the desk, tending to several beautiful flowers. The sound of a bell caused him to look up, smiling at a man who entered.The man was tall, his slim figure masked by a large and dark coat. He had a muted purple scarf around his neck, a suit as his chosen outfit. He looked around the small floral shop, his eyes seeming to shift colors in the changed lighting, currently a soft dark forest green. He made his way to the desk, his curly black hair seeming an absolutely perfect mess. John moved over to stand there, greeting him. 

"Hello! How may I help you today?" 

The man stared at John for a moment, seeming to scan him over. 

"What sort of flowers would you recommend?" 

He was taken aback by the man's voice. It was rather deep, but sweet. He thought about it for a moment, a small blush on his face because fucking hell this man was hot

"Oh! Um, one moment please, Mr....?" 

"Holmes. Sherlock Holmes." 

"Ah, yes. Well, one moment Mr. Holmes." 

He stepped away from the counter, his face flushing. Carefully, he began grabbing several different flowers, all of them rather beautiful. It was unexpected really, for an army veteran to have a green thumb. Truth be told, John felt much comfort in just tending to his flowers. The small bouquet he had put together consisted of blue salvias, pink roses, peonies, morning glories, and gardenias. He put them all together and came back with them, their meaning apparent to Sherlock, even if John wasn't aware he knew. You see, John had seen Sherlock around for a while, but he had always been too nervous to speak to him. Sherlock was the same way for John, only, he rarely spoke to anyone unless it was dire. 

"Would these work for you, Mr. Holmes?" 

He handed them to him, his face still slightly pink. 

"Please. Call me Sherlock, John." 

"Oh. Right. Well, Sherlock, what do you think of these?" 

Sherlock was silent for a moment before smiling at John and leaning forward a bit. 

"I think-"

Sherlock smiled a little more, placing the flowers on the counter. 

"That someone has a little crush."John must have looked flustered as all hell because Sherlock just nodded, pulling back before taking out a small notepad. 

"That's what I thought. Here." 

He handed John a small piece of paper, a phone number and address written in a somewhat neat scrawl. 

"If you ever need me, give me a message." 

John nodded, smiling a little more. 

After Sherlock was all set and gone, John went back to tending the flowers, his thoughts stuck on the man from before. He was all he could think about. His perfectly unkempt curls, his beautiful color-changing eyes, his proper tone of voice and stance, everything. He was like this for the rest of the day, seemingly a lot happier than normal. The whole shop seemed to brighten as he continued with his flowers. 


Only around the evening did John muck up the courage to go meet Sherlock. He walked through the streets, searching for a 221B on Baker Street. He rang the bell, gripping the bouquet with what seemed like an iron grip. An older woman answered the door. 

"Oh, hello dear! Are you here for Sherlock?" 

"Yes ma'am. Is he here?" 

She nodded, allowing him to enter. He smiled to her, walking up to the apartment. 

"Ah, John! I'm pleased to see you made it." 

"Yes, um, these are for you-" 

He handed Sherlock, who had apparently been waiting for him, the bouquet of flowers. His face was a deep shade of pink, and Sherlock's was a softer tone. His eyes had shifted from dark green to a soft grey-blue. 



Hi! Okay, so this is word for word what I had written in the server that inspired this. I hope you all thought it was cute, as I don't normally write cute things. I tend to write a lot of angst, so I'm oddly proud of this. I hope you all enjoyed, and I will try and update as soon as I can!

Word Count: 649

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