memories amidst the wreckage

163 11 54

TW: death, just a lot of angst


Well. Guess I'm starting this.


My name is Y/n L/n (21, GN), and I am one of the four people left alive (that we know of). The other three are named Niki (19, F), Puffy (22, F), and Ranboo (16, M). Alright, now that I'm done with all the formal stuff - the world's gone to absolute shit. Everyone is dying and I̶  we can hear the screaming. We managed to barricade ourselves in my apartment, and now we're kind of just..stuck. No clue what time it is, everything's kind of a fucking blur. Sorry about that. But, if you're finding this, I doubt it'll matter. It probably means that we're dead, which is..whatever. I'm Niki's best friend, Puffy is my cousin and Ranboo is Niki's younger brother.

I think it's zombies.

It's always fucking zombies (thank The Walking Dead for this shit), and I hate it. That trope is so goddamn cliché (it's why it's trope, dumbass), and I hate it. Someone just got killed in the stairwell, and I can hear the shouting and crying despite the distance. I wish it could stop (and yes, I know how that sounds, but bear with me). Makes it hard to focus here, and I REALLY need to focus. We have to figure a way out of this fucking apartment, because our supplies are already dwindling and there's only so much a door can do to hold back brute strength. There's little of everything - a couple of canned food, some water. Still not much for us to survive off of.

Listen, I know it's the apocalypse, but I'm not going to revert to cannibalism. I'm not going to slaughter my friends so I can eat, and Puffy would definitely catch onto that before any of us tried, anyways. I'm going to hand this over to Puffy, let her log some shit down. I don't know. I'm tired. If you're reading this, good luck. This apartment isn't the place to find any.


Hi, my name is Puffy. Y/n's already said everything important, so I'll just cut to the point: god fucking dammit. This is bullshit. Everything was fine three days ago, and now the earth is on fire. Y/n was right, this apartment has barely any supplies left for us. We're going to have to leave it, but those things are still out there. Are they even zombies? I don't know, I got inside before I could really have a visit with one. It's only been a day without food, which is fine, but water is running low. We had a couple of bottles with us, but we're nearly out. I'm going to have to try to find some. Only one of us should go, and it'll be me.

It's logical - I know the neighborhood, and plus, I'm fairly certain these idiots would only end up getting killed (Y/n's sense of direction is jack shit). I might die, but I think I've got a better chance then they do. And if I do die..well, I'm the oldest. It may not be by much, but it'd make sense to keep the younger ones alive.

I know, I know. Noble of me. Fuck off.


Hello, I'm Niki.

Despite our best efforts against so, Puffy went out. She came back with supplies today. It isn't a lot but it's something - almost as much as what we had before. She said there's a clear road in the town that we could probably slip past to get to the residential area, take some turns and use debris to distract the things. Move past all the creatures outside. Apparently, they are zombies. Or something like it, I guess. I don't know for sure, she didn't say much about it. She looked haunted by what she had seen. I'm not looking forwards to moving. It's going to be hard on us.

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