11. Lights, camera, reality

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Read Table of Contents (chapter 1) for description.

•Taehyung and Jungkook sit down for the first ever up-and-close interview on their relationship•

| Disclaimer- All questions here were sent by the readers upon my request. (I might have only changed a little articulation of your questions)
Y'all are kinky little shits, I'm not gonna include those. Also I've not missed out anyone's response bt I couldn't use all too many of the questions (altho we all hv 1 braincell, so many of them were repeated).
Thank you for sending in! I love you all
Enjoy ❤️ |

I= interviewer
Jk= Jungkook
Th= taehyung


It's live.
Every word that you speak is like a bullet shot from your gun, you can never take back. It could pierce your target good enough right in the centre, it could sideline as a below average shot, or it could misfire so bad that the target mocks you.

So painfully aware of this, Taehyung grips his chair harder as the setting powder continues to puff a layer on his worries; the voice of stylist now merely an echo on some skincare he couldn't care less about at the moment.

The mist of the hairspray being drizzled on his head perhaps is seeping through his scalp for the thoughts to be this blurry. It's only one voice amongst so many that finally draws him back from the free-fall.

He lazily looks up to find Jungkook, all pristinely dressed, addressing the mass, gently clapping his hands to grab the attention while Jimin plops down the couch at the back in his sweats and mouthful of god knows what.

"Everyone!" Jungkook claps twice. "Hi! We have snacks ready in the hallway. Let's fill up our tummies before the cameras roll, yeah?"

As the manager escorted the others out with a knowing exchange of eye with Jungkook, it's Jimin who clears his throat first. "So, Tae. What's up?"

Taehyung looks like exchanging pleasantries was the last thing he could guess from Jimin if the confusion on his face was anything to go by. "Um.. you know what's up."

"Do I? Does anyone?" He heaves a long sigh when Taehyung chooses to seal his lips. "Do you two wanna talk alone about it?"

"No." Taehyung looks up at Jimin first, then slowly drags his eyes across the room to the man whose gaze is fixed back at him. "Stay."

"Taehyung." Jimin's voice soft, fond, usual. "Tell me."

"There's just.." he bites his lip and stares at the ceiling— the beautiful area where there's no expectant eyes staring at you for answers "I don't think I can shoot this today. There's just a small headache in my stomach so I can't really walk-"

"Quiet. You both just couldn't have chosen a better time to fight, could you?"

"No one's fighting. You're hallucinating."

Jungkook, breathing out a breath of impatience drags a chair to front Taehyung's taking a seat calmly "Talk to me. Not like you're gonna listen, but we could try."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Taehyung voices out, a tone harsher than the one he used with Jimin, still civilised enough. "How difficult is it to understand there's nothing to talk about-"

Jungkook is about to cut through when there's a hesitant knock on the greenroom door.
"It's time." The AD meekly smiles and retreats on receiving nods. Taehyung stands up straightening his shirt into the mirror as Jungkook watches the back of his head doing so; and with a hand buttoning the cuff, Taehyung let's himself be escorted out by the assistants standing outside the door.

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