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As soon as Caspian, Edmund and Lucy had changed into royal attire, Caspian led them through the main double doors on the main deck, leading them through a second set of stained double doors. He smiled fondly, holding the doors open for Edmund, Lucy and Clara. The siblings stared at the magnificence of the room.

Glass cabinets were positioned next to the main doors. Caspian's bed was against the wall on the right-hand side, surrounded by paintings of Narnian trees.

Lucy looked to her left and saw a golden head of Aslan above the fireplace that was in between another set of glass cabinets.

"Aslan..." Lucy said quietly as she smiled at Caspian, not noticing a frown from Clara.

Lucy looked about the room.

Caspian leaned against a set of wooden cabinets and walked towards a picture of the five of kings and queens of old riding their horses.

He stepped back towards the cabinets and called, "Lucy."

The girl walked over to him and smiled widely. "My healing cordial and dagger! May I?"

Caspian nodded. "Of course. They're yours."

Something caught Edmund's eye and he said, "Peter's sword." He stared at it longingly.

Caspian set the wooden boxes down and said, "Yes. I looked after it as promised. Here. Hold it if you wish."

Edmund continued staring at the sword longingly, a surge of momentary jealousy passing through. "No, it's yours. Peter gave it to you."

Caspian's eyes twinkled as he walked towards the cabinet. "I did save this for you, though." He tossed Edmund his torch and he caught it easily.

"Thanks," Edmund answered sadly.

The four made their way to the study and Caspian stood behind his desk and pointed at several maps of Narnia. "Since you left, the Giants of the North have surrendered unconditionally. Then we defeated the Calormen armies at the Great Desert. There is peace all across Narnia."

"Peace?" Edmund repeated as they studied the maps.

Caspian stood straighter as he and Clara said, "In just three years."

Lucy tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and asked, "And have you found yourself a queen in those three years?"

Caspian took Clara's hand and smiled. "I have. One year with my dear Clara."

"Oh, that's wonderful! You two do make a dashing pair."

Caspian chuckled. "Thank you, Lucy."

Edmund frowned. "Hang on, so if there are no wars to fight and no one is in trouble, then why are we here?"

Caspian frowned. "It's a good question. Clara and I've been asking ourselves the same thing."

"Where are we sailing to?"

"Before I took back the throne from my uncle, he tried to kill my father's closest friends and most loyal supporters. The seven lords of Telmar." Edmund stepped closer to look. "They fled to the Lone Islands. No one has heard from them since."

"So you think something's happened to them?"

Clara nodded. "Well, if it has, it's Caspian's and my duty to find out."

Lucy's finger moved across the map as she asked, "Well, what's east of the Lone Islands?"

"Uncharted waters," Drinian answered. "Things you can barely imagine. Tales of sea serpents and worse."

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