Chapter 1

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I see a light. It's a beautiful light. A warm and joyful light calling me over. I drift over to the light and touch it, just touch it. It's warm like a small sun, radiating love and hope. Suddenly, I hear a sound behind me. It sounds like an animal, an angry animal. I turn around to see shadows, dark cruel evil shadows. It's coming for it, for my light. But I won't let them have it, the'll never have it! I walk into the light as everything fades black.
I wake up in a room, my room. My large blue room. Weird, I remember having paintings up on the walls at some moment. I rise out of the bed and look around, no pets. Weird, didn't I have a cat? He was a brown Tom, or taby. I can't really remember.

Suddenly, I feel pain, a throbbing pain in my head as if someone is screaming inside. I collapse to the floor and begin to cry. It really hurts. I run into the bathroom and wait for it to pass. After about five minutes, it stops. Finally, it stops. But I still don't know what's going on, I don't know anyone except my dad, but he's gone now.

Now I hear a voice. A calm yet frantic voice yelling at me, "Subject 3576, report to the Network system building to be re entered into the network."

I'm puzzled, the Network? As in the Internet? I gigge at the thought of being a video game character. "Who is this?" I ask. But the reply is silence.

I shrug and walk back to my bed when the voice calls out agian, "Subject 3576!!! Report to the Network system building to be re entered into the network!"

I fall down to the floor holding me ears, it sounds like someone is screaming in my ear with a microphone. "O.K! O.K!! I shout.

I go over to my closet and find a cute blue dress. If I'm going somewhere I want to look nice. The voice screams into my ears as I put on the dress but I ignore it. I'm not going to to go outside without clothes. Once I finish putting on the dress I leave my room, open the front door and proceed to the tallest biulding.

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