Chapter 1

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"Shut the fuck up" I said as my alarm rang for the 50th time. "Good morning Scarlet" a voice rang through my room. "Jerry why do you always do that". Jerry was a super intelligence in charge of running the whole house. My dad had installed him when I was 5. "Do what Scarlet" Jerry said. "Never mind just can you play my wake up playlist" I said back to him. As the music started playing I walked over to my closet. "Hmmm what should I wear" I thought. I hate standing out sometimes so instead of wearing the cute outfit I had planned for a week I just put on leggings and a oversized sweatshirt. "Good Morning Dad" I said. My dad is Kingston Evergreen. Making me the heir to Evergreen companies one of the biggest music production companies in the country. For someone who likes to be invisible having a billionaire dad kinda sucks. Now I'm not trying to brag it just sucks sometimes. My mom would understand. My mom and my little sister died in a car accident when I was 5. That's why my dad installed Jerry so that someone could help around the house. "Good morning Scarlet. You should head on your way or your gonna be late" my dad said. "shit your right" I screamed grabbing my bag. "Language" my dad screamed back as I walked out the door. I put in my headphones and started walking to school. When I arrived at school I saw my two best friends Diana and Amber. We had been friends since grade 6. "Hey girl" Diana said as I walked up to them. "Hi D" I said. Amber was looking down at her phone. At what I didn't know "Earth to Amber" I said. "Give me a second I'm playing retro ball" Amber said. She was the tomboy of the group. Best at all the sports and was good at making friends with guys. Diana was the popular one of the group. She was always getting invited places and if she went she would bring us. We parted ways to go to are lockers. On the way to my locker I saw two people come next to me. Jasmine and Sophie. I really didn't like them but they seemed to be obsessed with me. They were popular but also so mean. They were not my crowd. "Hey girl so we should hang out at your house tonight" Jasmine said "yeah we should" agreed Sophie. "Sorry can't" I said and speed walked away. That's where I saw him. My locker neighbor was Asher Arlo. He was the quarterback for the football team and he was a dream. I have had a crush on him for as long as I can remember . "Hey Scar" I heard a soft voice say. IT WAS ASHER TALKING TO ME!!!!!

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