Untitled Part 2

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The red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body. "Drops of blood rain on the saddened souls of the people of the infested city".


I'm going to have nightmares. I'm about to cry... Of fear, not sadness. I feel Alex's pain. She has a fear of blood too; maybe I should ask her. Shit, what do I do! And it's not even my blood. Whose is it? I'm so confused. I wiped my bloody hands on my shirt, took it off, and threw it in an alleyway. I still had a few rides left because it was a school day. I walked to the train station with in a t shirt and slightly stained jeans.

Chapter 1: Blood

I sat on the train crying into my arms, thinking about everything that had happened and why it happened. Trying to remember. I had lost my watch, I had no idea what time it was. My phone was set to California time because I was bored and there was no wifi to set it back. When I got up, there was a dent in my glasses. This always happenes when I fall asleep because every time I take them off I just end up losing them, but I didn't care, there were more things I had to worry about. I tried calling Alex, she had a fear of blood, or so I heard. "She could help" I told myself."Please pick up. Please pick up." I repeated to myself. I needed someone. Someone that understands the pain. Someone who understands me."Hello?" She said nervously."Hey, yeah it's Dante" I said, relieved."Oh sorry I thought you were someone else. What's up?" She said, all happy and kind as if she just walked out of Disneyland. I could hear her dog barking in the distance, echoing of the marble walls of her tiny apartment. I was mad, mad at myself for not being sane, for being stupid, not thinking. I hesitated before asking"Um, you know how you have, like, a fear of blood or something?""Yeah, what about it..." I could hear the suspicion in her voice. She was always suspicions. Or was it me? I always ask weird questions at the wrong time. Another think I hated about myself."Well, um, how do you deal with that? I need some... help. I, um, I cut myself on the bed and it's scaring me" I lied. I was a horrible liar. I had forgotten what I did anyway and I didn't know why. So its not like I could'vecoulve told the truth anyway, she would just be that more confused."Well, go drink some water or something I don't know."After about 15 minutes of talking we didn't solve the problem. Of all people the one person I thought could help didn't. I was still shaking, I was still scared. I hate blood! The sticky, metallic taste of it when you lose a tooth. Or the cold feeling of it dripping down your leg when you fall of your bike, and the throbbing, stinging pain of the open wound. I hate everything about it! I'm stressing too much. I saw vibrating rows and columns of dots as my vision started to fade. Then I saw nothing, emptiness, black.I woke up in the hospital. I knew it was dark out, but I couldn't tell what time it was. "Are you ok?" my mother asks. She always worries about me. "The doctor says you have Hemophobia...""Hemo-what?" I said, reaching for my glasses, which weren't there. I looked around, eventually seeing the blurry, glowing red bag of blood next to me. I saw my hands covered in blood, then pictures of people's faces, wondering who it was, who did I kill? Why was this my fault of all people."You have a fear of blood" she says."Well what am supposed I do about it? And where the hell are my glasses??" I was frustrated. I needed to calm down, but how could I."I don't know, did you leave them on the train""I what? Are you sure? I'm such a dumbass, I can't believe this bullshit!" I say to myself as my eyes start to tear up. I cover myself with the cheap hospital covers and take off the rough, extra-large socks that they must've put on me. "You'll be out of the hospital tomorrow so yeah" She said. I didn't respond. "Well I'll see you at home. You know how to get home right. I just hope you're ok..."

Chapter 2: School

The next day I threw out everything red. I had a red iPhone 6 but not anymore. I didn't know what to do. Anything red made me angry and nauseous, which is not a good mix. I had to sleep. For some reason I felt that sleep solves everything, but I guess not. I had a dream, no more like a dementia. Dreams were the "I don't know" part about sleeping. You never know what it's going to be. I sat on my hospital bed, in the dark, curled up in a ball as I dozeddosed off. I was sitting in a clear blue sea with tulips. The sky was baby blue and the clouds were like marshmallows. The moon was white. It started to bleed a thick red blood from its craters as the sky faded to black and the sea replaced with blood. "Why did you do this to me?" A voice said. It was faint but I could tell it was a girl. I couldn't see it well. It was a blurry, yet vivid image: a girl in black. Blood seeped into the bottom of her dress as the stain crept its way up to her waist. She had a blood stained white mask, but I woke up before she took it off.It was cloudy. I woke up in my bed in my home. I didn't care what happened when I was sleeping. It was probably that "sit in the back of my car while I drive you home" from my mom that had happened more than once. That would explain the dream. I walk down the stairs and make myself a sandwich. I sat down and turned the TV on. "This is going to be a normal day" I say to myself as I start to fall asleep again. I didn't want to be stressed."I see you've woken up" my mom said. I pretended not to hear her. I got up and turned on the Xbox."You still have to go to school you know" she said and looked at me with 'that look'. I turned the Xbox back off and put my uniform on. No questions, no comments, I just put it on and went to school. I didn't want to start an argument when I just got calm.The street was quiet, too quiet. Everything was going a bit too well. I saw a drop of blood fall from the sky onto the dry sidewalk. Rain? It was raining blood? But that's impossible! I didn't feel nauseous I didn't feel like throwing up. It started to pour. I walked into the school covers in spatters of Blood as if I just murdered someone. Everyone walked was clean, as if it doesn't rain. But it did. Was I the only one that got wet? How could this be? I was so confused. What should I have done? I took my shirt off and shoved it into my locker."Why don't you have your uniform young man?" The principal said."Um, it got drenched it the rain" I said without hesitation."What rain, it didn't rain today. Anyway, get to class." He said. What!? It didn't rain? How so? Was it a hallucination, an illusion? I felt like ripping the world in half. I was so confused. I went to class. It was still raining outside but I grids now one else could notice it."Please take this home to sign it. We will be going to the International Death Museum of California next week to research on how people died and were executed in the late 1700s to 1800s." Great. Just great. I Know someone did this on purpose, but who... When I looked around the room to see who it was and it turned out to be no one, I must've looked stupid, because the entireentive class giggled as if they knew what happened. They stared at me for the rest of the day. "Shut up..." I said."What was that, blood boy?" Nave"I said shut up, Asshole! You dumbasses have nothing to do but get into other peoples shit so go sit in a corner and die!" I yelled. And everyone heard 'cuzcus it was dead silence for the rest of the day. It must've been Alex, but I knew she didn't do it on purpose. I just wondered how it spread so fast.

Blood (Femi Fleming)Where stories live. Discover now