Shawn Finds the Test

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What if Shawn never confronted Juliet about the pregnancy test that he discovered in her car? What if he kept it a secret and was scared to tell her of his findings until they were back home? What if Juliet was pregnant, with not one but 2 children? So, this story will begin at the end of the movie, but in this story, Shawn DIDN'T tells Juliet about the positive pregnancy test that he had discovered in her car, well at least not yet. So with no further introduction, let the story begin...

Shawn's POV:

I arrive at the airport at 6 am and I feel as slow as a sloth, but come on! Who wakes up this early! Anyway, Gus, Selene, Juliet, and I, are all ready to board the flight. We all have our few things we brought with us, but one object lingered outside of my luggage bag. The pregnancy test. I knew I couldn't hide it away deep inside my luggage bag or Jules would find it, so now I feel it like a laser as it lays in my pocket. I know it wasn't one of my smartest choices but it had to go somewhere! I stiffly walk to the screen that displays when our flight will depart but I see a terrifying sight! The flight has been canceled due to an engine malfunction! If we don't return to  San Francisco I will have to confront Jules about the pregnancy test in Santa Barbara! I must tell her while we are at home so I will just take precautions while here. While walking back to everyone, I gently touch my pocket to reassure myself that it is still promptly hidden. "So good news or bad news? You know what, I'll choose so good news we can stay in  Santa Barbara longer, but bad news our flight has been canceled so we will have to repurchase our plane tickets."

Gus's POV:

"WHAT!! I HAVE A COMIC-CON CONVENTION BACK HOME THAT I WOULD MISS!! HELL NO!!" I look at Shawn's twisted face, then at Selene's as if I was begging her to fix the plane. I promised everyone I would be at that convention! I promised Michael, Johnny,  Noah, James, and so many more people. I mean sure they will only complain to their parents that I'm not there, cause they're only 9, but still. I look back at Shawn and notice that he's sweating, tapping his foot, and looking all around the airport. Then I see a pregnancy test peeking out of his pocket, wow. He really brought that with him?! Ooh, not a good idea! I slowly yet quietly take him away from our ladies to finally give him a good talk, "Shawn, I know this is a complicated time for you but--GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! Come on! I have never seen you so nervous, you weren't even this nervous when we were attempting to eat that cheesy, cheesy, nacho, quesadilla, hamburger, hot dog!"

Shawn's POV: 

"Maaaaaan, I know. I couldn't just throw the test away though. I kinda want to present it to Jules when-GGRRrrhhh." "What on Earth was that?!-GGGGrrrrrrHHHHH-HOLY CRAP DUDE IS THAT YOU!" Oh   My   God, you ate the rest of that delicious cheesy, cheesy, nacho, quesadilla, hamburger, hot dog, even when I told you not to! You brought this on yourself." I took a quick looked around the airport to spot where Jules and Selene were, then carefully walked Gus over to them as he leaned on my arm for something to hold onto. "Honey, we'll be right back, Gus has to use the little boy's room." Gus and I begin to walk towards the bathrooms as he cries out "I'm a man, a maaaaaaannn!" Without glancing at him I rolled my eyes and reassured him, "sure you are buddy, sure you are."

Juliet's POV: 

"Selene, have you noticed anything different about Shawn lately? He has been acting more considerate... in a weird way. Well don't get me wrong he is a strange man, well actually he's more of a young boy in a man's body but he never acts like this." I stare at the time as if hoping that it would fly by and we would be on a plane, going home. Although, I can't help but wonder if Shawn is in a relationship with another woman. I understand that I'm his wife but could it be possible? Would he ever cheat on me?  His strange behavior could be a result of guilt or worry, or I am just getting paranoid over the Juliet Spencer thing. While being lost in my thoughts, Selene has already answered my previous question, yet I didn't hear a word.

Selene's POV:

"Are you listening? Hey, if we are besties then we come to each other for advice AND listen to them. Helllooooo? Earth to Juliet!" Hmm, sometimes I wonder if we really are besties, Na! We will be besties till death or until Gussy and me part, which will be never! I don't know what would ever happen if I never met Gus. He is my knight in shining armor, always right by my side. Well, he's next to my side most of the time. Gus is just so handsome, clever, and smart. All his handsomeness comes from his smooth round head, it's so mesmerizing you just wanna rub it like a genie in a bottle. Plus he's so clever when it comes to decision-making! I remember this one time I asked him if he would marry me and he said yes, he knows the right answer for almost anything! I would say everything but that's not true. He still won't admit that Eris would be the ninth planet, not Pluto, but baby steps. 

                                                             *** TO BE CONTINUED.....

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