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Will Smith fish was swimming, or whatever fish like to do, when he saw the lady from the bee movie's fishsona. Sudanly the lady from the bee movie's fishsona was devoured by a shark. But she wasn't dead yet.

The shark kept her alive in its mouth and slowly started crushing her. The shark was going to make sure that the lady from the bee movie's fishsona would die a painful death like she deserves.

Gill smith didn't care and just carried on swimming like a fucking asshole.
Like bruh why did they have to make him so unlikeable. I can't look at will smith anymore without seeing that fucking fish.

But as gill smith was swimming away, he came across Lola the sexy fish. Why did they try to make her sexy? I mean I'm a furry and I'm still questioning why this movie exists. Shark tale was a mistake AAAAAAAAAAAAA.

So yeah gill smith tried to fuck Lola but Lola responded by beating him against a window. FUCK YEAH GILL SMITH GETTING WHAT HE DESERVES.

The constant slamming into the glass caused gill smith's skull to fracture and for him to receive severe damage to his brain. But he was still alive because he needs to be tortured more before he dies. She is staying alive because she is the only one that gave gill smith what he deserved.

A bunch of sharks swam over and started eating the rest of the fish in the area. One of these sharks was Lenny and he had stopped being vegan just so he could kill all these fish. That is how strong his hatred was for them.

The shark with the lady from the bee movies's fishsona in its mouth was also there and it was still torturing her. She screamed as all her bones were slowly crushed.

The two jellyfish guys were too busy stinging each other to notice what was going on so a shark came and started stinging them somehow. They were screaming in agony as they were slowly being stung to death.

All the other unimportant side characters were the first to die. It was only the main characters left. The jellyfish motherfuckers died next after being stung too much.

Finally, the shark with the lady from the bee movie's fishsona in its mouth crushed her to death and swallowed her. Nobody was into vore this time so no it wasn't sexy.

The only one alive now was gill smith.

A figure descended from the sky and down to where gill smith was being held. As this figure came into view, he noticed the large afro. It was his dad.

His dad dove towards his face and started suffocating him with the afro. After a few minutes the oxygen supply was finally cut off from gill smith's useless brain. He was dead.

Lenny swam down to where his dead body lay and picked it up in his mouth. He tried to swallow gill smith but ended up choking and dying lmao.

All of them are dead
:3 yay


Shark tale everyone dies auWhere stories live. Discover now