Chapter Two

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It has already been two days since my mother's funeral.

Two exceptionally lengthy days during which I have locked myself up in Mama's room, dividing my time unequally between crying and going through her belongings, with only a few bottles of whiskey to help ease my pain and parch my thirst.

Luther, Sylvie and Agatha have stayed at my house, leaving meals in front of the room's door and changing the plates at least four times a day, talking to me and begging me for an answer multiple times only to be met by my heavy silence.

I am well aware that it is only a matter of time before Luther decides to break my door for the purpose of compelling me to eat, so I might as well enjoy my loneliness a little more before that occurs.

It was a starry night, so instead of missing the breathtaking landscape I decide on getting up and heading for the balcony to enjoy it. A delightful breeze strikes my face the moment I step out, making me exhale deeply, releasing a breath I did not know I was holding.

I live in France, in its countryside more precisely. My mother has always been a friend of nature hence her choice of occupying this small cottage house, away from all the noise and prying eyes.

I miss Italy every now and then, but I cannot help associating the hideous memories with the beautiful places whenever I think of it.

At least in this country, I am surrounded by friends and family, something I cruelly lacked of for as far as I can remember.

Sylvie was my mother's dearest friend. The fact that they were both British is what had brought them together the first time they made each other's acquaintance. They have been inseparable ever since.

She is a widow with one son and one daughter: Luther, the boy I grew to love and care for deeply, and Agatha, who also happens to be my closest friend. There was also Virginie, their sister, a girl whose flame extinguished at a very young age, claimed by death before she could even get out of her leading strings.

Sylvie's husband died on the battlefield, therefore the responsibilities that come with being man of the family landed on Luther. Throughout the years, he has managed to build himself a remarkable reputation as a professional boxer: He has never lost a single match, not even once, and that is what allowed him to earn both respect and enough money to offer his family a simple yet decent life.

I look up to the sky and get lost in my thoughts until I hear someone knock at my door.

"I see that your food is left untouched again.", I hear a familiar masculine voice say, "Daria?"

At the soft call of my name, I head to the door. Instead of opening it, I slide against it slowly until I reach the ground. Hearing me shuffle, Luther does the same as I on the other side so that we are now back to back with only the wooden surface separating our bodies from one another.

"Fear not for I won't break this door in order to force you to eat if that is what you are expecting, no matter how tempting I find it." He states.

A small smile finds its way to my lips before fading quickly.

"I just want to hear your voice, love."

Love. That word has always been my weakness, especially coming from him. Hearing him say it makes my heart melt and even though the latter is currently broken and in pieces, today was no different; he still managed to warm every single one.

Nonetheless, I remain silent.

I hear him exhale deeply.

"In case you are wondering what is going on in the outer world, allow me to enlighten you: Persephone is ill, but do not worry, my mother is taking good care of her and Hades. Agatha looked after the house while you were busy doing God knows what, so do not worry about that either, and a let-"

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