🔪The letter💉

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Third pov

*In Mrs Lovett's pie shop*

"Are you getting more customers, Mr Todd, the demand for pies are getting more and more each night." Mrs Lovett said while kneading some dough with her hands.

Sweeney Todd was leaning against the door frame with a glass of gin in his hand.

"It's hard to be killing so many people by myself, Mrs Lovett." He replied, taking a sip of his drink.

"Maybe you could join in with the killing sometime." He said.

"No, no, no, I must stay down here making all the dough and pie filling, Todd!" The woman said back.

"If you say so, but maybe you need a break from all this pie making and get someone else to do it for a week or something." Sweeney exclaimed, downing the last in his glass and putting it on the counter.

"I would hire, but no one is to be trusted here around London, they might spill the secret to my pies and your job!" Mrs Lovett said.

"Just think about it, Mrs Lovett."

And with that Sweeney walked back up to his barber shop.

"There is one person I could perhaps trust with our little secret." She muttered to herself.

Y/N pov

I was sweeping the floor of my apartment outside London, humming in the peaceful silence. It was kind of lonely now that my husband had died of a stabbing. Sadness and regret drowned my flat for quite a few months, before things ruffly went back to normal.

Then again everyday felt like the same one on repeat. I didn't have a job and all I did was stay in my apartment. I had no friends or family. Well except for my sister Nellie, but we hadn't been in contact for years now.

Suddenly a letter was pushed through the door. I got up and picked it up looking at the address it was from.

Some sort of pie shop in London, strange.

The letter read:

Dear my sister y/n,

I am so sorry for not keeping in contact with you ever since I moved to London ten years ago. Life was tough and at first I needed a place to stay.

After two years of searching I found the perfect place to buy and started my  own pie shop. It wasn't going well and I called them the worst pies in London!

But then I found a secret ingredient and everyone has been wanting more and more of them. I would love to see you again and catch up on the last ten years. You could stay at mine for a month and could help me with my job. You would get payed.

Anyways, missed you.

Love from your dearest sister Nellie! xxxx

I put the letter down and thought things through. I would get to see my sister again and catch up on all the years we've been apart. Also I would be getting paid at an actual job and get to explore London, my dream come true!

I grabbed a piece of paper and answered my sister with a yes to everything and walked to the post office to get it posted as quick as I could.

My life was going to go from boring and the same to exciting and new!

Cold hearted killer//(Sweeney Todd X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now