How They Met

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As 12-year-old Hayato Takizawa step out of the moving van and Step onto the Concrete Pavement, he looks around at the sights of san Fransisco and breaths deeply in and out. but before he can fully enjoy the view, his dad, Takeru Suzumura, Shouts outside, "Hayato! come and help me Clean the shop!" he replies: "Ok dad!" and walks into the restaurant, which is also his new home, The Viva a la carte, inside, he sees his Younger Sister,  Tsubasa Takizawa, and his older brother, Soraru Takizawa, Cleaning out the Restaurant, Meanwhile, His Older sister, Miki Takizawa, Was Cleaning The Kitchen, "Mom and Dad must be outside..." and he Grabs a Nearby Box which is labeled: "Soraru" and Puts it up in Soraru's Room, "Hey Onii-chan! I put your stuff in your room!" and Soraru Yelled up: "Ok, thank you!", after doing the same thing to both of his sister's Stuff and His own, along with the other boxes and putting them up, he goes down and sees the whole area was Cleaned and put in order, he goes to lay down, not soon after, his siblings laid beside him, his Older sister was on top of him, his face was on his brother, And His Younger sister was on top of all of them, After that, Their mom, Takizawa Asuka, came in and Told them: "Ok kids, get some sleep, you guys have school tomorrow." And they went up to their rooms to go to bed.

The Next Day

Hayato Wakes Up, brushes his teeth, puts his clothes on, and Grabs His Bag, and Heads Downstairs. He sees his siblings all grabbing a slice of toast, He Grabs one and bolts out the door, He Makes It to the bus stop early: "Phew! thought I wouldn't make it!" at the bus stop, he sees a short, Brown-haired boy his age at the stop, along with a very tall girl with brunette hair tied into a ponytail with a yellow scrunchy, "Hi! I'm Hayato Takizawa!" and the boy looks at him, upon closer inspection he has droopy eyes, "Yo, you're a new kid to Van Atta, right?" and Hayato Was Suprised because they only knew each other for 15 minutes and this new kid already knew his school, "How did you-" but before Hayato could finish his question, the Tall girl answers his question: "You Have That Paper, We're also Van atta students, Names Lauren, That's Isaiah, If he seems cold, that's his way of being nice." Lauren Teases "Oh Be Quiet Lauren!" Isaiah Retaliates and just before Lauren could Make a comeback, The bus comes and The 3  get on, but Hayato Accidentally Tripped and Spilled his Cupcakes He made for his class on a Bully, Which Hayato Panics and Quickly Says: "Oh I'm so sorry!  Here I have some Napkins." and Quickly Tries to help clean up, but The Bully Pushes Him to a seat, cowering, he Quickly tries to block, but Before the Bully could Hit Hayato, A Short Girl With Cream Skin Kicks The Bully In the Face, and The Bully Tumbles, "Hey! How about Taking on someone your own size?" and the Bully Got Mad, And Retorts with: "Stay out of this Sterling! This isn't your fight!" and the short girl replies with: "Well the Cupcakes wasn't his fault! so you don't have to bully him!" and the bus driver, having enough, stopped the bus, making all the students on it fall forward, and The Bus driver looks back and yells: "Sterling! Cartman! Stop fighting or else I will throw all of you off this bus and go to Applebees!" and The Girl Replies: "But Earl was Bullying The New Kid!" and The Bus driver retorts and says: "Do you have proof or anyone who can clarify?" and A big, tall, and handsome young man steps up: "I can, saw the New Kid accidentally Spill cupcakes on him, but he was sorry, tried to help clean up, but Earl pushed him, all marina was trying to do was defend the new kid." and the bus driver, siding with The Tall Boy, Tells The Teachers about it, and the bully is punished, after the incident. Hayato Walks to class, only to meet up with the 4 kids he met before, seeing Hayato, the gang invites him over, and He introduces himself again: "H-Hello, I'm Hayato Takizawa." and then, The Short girl introduces herself, "Yo! I'm Marina Sterling! But you can call me Mari!" and Then The Tall Young Man Introduces Himself: "Samuel Garza, At Your Service." And Suddenly, a Shove Comes From behind Hayato, Revealing a couple of Boys Taller Than Hayato, Who is Scared To Death, The Boy in the Front Says: "You'll Pay for Messing With Big E, Party Donkers, Attack!!" and The Boys Charge, Which his New Found Friends Defend Him And Fight Back, Seeing this Hayato Tries To Break Up The Fight, But Somehow Gets Caught in the Fight, Hayato, Being Fed up, Yells: "STOP FIGHTING!" and Fire Erupts Around him, which scares both parties, Seeing what he did, he quickly runs away from the fight, tears in his eyes, thinking he would be a laughing stock forever or the students thinking he's a freak, running into the bathroom, he sees Isaiah's Shoes Behind his stall. Catching a Gear Isaiah Passed Over, "what's this?" And Isaiah Simply Says: "Meet Me and Everyone after school at my house, Call your parents and do what you have to do to go." and Hayato does exactly that, His Parents were happy to let him go to his friend's house as he made a new friend quickly in the new town. After School, Hayato, Lauren, and Isaiah go to Isaiah's House And After Meeting Isaiah's Mom and Younger Brothers, he goes up to Isaiah's Room, Marina, and Diego Meet Up with the group afterward, "ok so basically we were given these Gears that basically give us the powers of 3 animals that relate in a way, I got insects, Laurens got Wild Cats, Diego's Got Safari Herbivores, and Marina's You can guess." Isaiah Explains, Hayato, Thinking It was Marine Animals, Replies: "Is it Marine Specimen?" Marina Replies: "Bingo! How'd You know?" Hayato Explains: "Your Name, and also You Seem to Carry a lot of water with you." he says while pointing to her bag, showing that there is indeed a lot of water in there, signifying that she needs water for her powers to work, Isaiah Butts in saying. "ok we get it, but here's the point, we want you to join us, please?" and Hayato, Looking at the Gear in his hand, Showed a Great Pheonix. "We won't force you, and respect your decision if you don't want-" but before Lauren could finish, Hayato Says: "I'm in." and that's all they needed to hear, afterward, when they were walking home, a monster appeared, scared Hayato hid, but The other 4 Stood up and Brought out 4 guns, Isaiah's had A Bug Design, Lauren's a Cat Design, Diego's Safari Design, and Marina a Marine Biology Design, but all of them Had the same shape The 4 then Opened the Guns Up and Inserted A Medal in them, Shouting "Henshin!" and Cranked the Crank of the Gun, In which the guns Shout: "Gatakiriba!Latoratah!Sagozou!Shauta!" and a Carnival based Music Break Came in which Went, and after Doing a Dance, They shoot the guns which transform them, after transforming they say their intros, Isaiah goes First, "Insect Power! The Strongest Combo!Gatakiriba!" Lauren Goes next, "Wildcat Power! The Scorching Combo! Latoratah!" And Then Diego and Mari, "Safari Power! The Gravity Combo! Sagozou!" "Hydro Power! The Marine Combo! Shauta!" and then the 4 pose while Isaiah says: "The 4 of us are...Greed Masks OOO!" While Posing, As They Attack, Hayato Sees a Man Who Looks to be in his Mid-30s, Giving Hayato A Gun similar to the others "here take it." the man says, Hayato asks: "thank you sir, but Who are you?" The Man, Who Seems to Realize the kid doesn't know him Replies: " I'm Eiji Hino, The Commander of the team, I see you got the medal, great, now take this gun." Eiji says as he Gives Hayato a Similar Looking Gun with a Bird Motive, Seeing How His new friends cared for him, he decided to pay it back in full by helping, Hayato Pulls out the Medal and Pops it into the gun, he then shouts "Henshin!" and Cranks the gun, which then shouts: "Tajador!" and After that, it plays the same jingle from the other 4 guns and he shoots after doing the dance and Transforms, After He transforms, he does his intro, "Bird Power! The Blazing Combo! Tajador!" and Poses, After Checking How he looked, he Charges into the Monster, And Claws it Multiple times, Leaving Marks, Which Bleed out Aggressively, After That, Isaiah Yells: "Hayato! Quick! Finish it up!" and Hayato, Somehow acting on impulse, Cranks the Gun again and firing a blast, which instantly kills the monster, And The Team Detransforms, Afterwards, Hayato Gets a Explanation and The Team goes home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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