Terri's POV
I walk to math with Kait. Of course, we sit next to each other in class.
This year, there are a lot of new kids. It's not even funny how much there are.
Someone I don't recognize walks into the classroom. Must be one of the new kids.
"Alright everyone, this is..." She says while he hands her a slip of paper "Niall Horan " she finishes.
Kait gasps for some unknown reason. I'll have to find out why later.
Kaits POV
"Niall Horan" Ms. Lyanne says.
I gasp before I can stop it. Shit. I hope Terri didn't hear that. She's the curious type.
Niall looks around the class for the only empty seat. Next to me. Great.
"Hey Kaity." He says.
"Leave me alone. " I spat back. I don't want him talking to me.
"Oh come on. Don't be like that" he whispers, turning to face the black board.
This is going to be a distraction for the whole semester.
Jojo's POV
I walk to my first class alone, witch is history
I'm the last one to arrive. I go to take the last empty seat witch is next to a kid I have never seen before.
"Hi, I hope you don't mind me sitting here. It's the last place available. " I say, trying to be as polite as possible.
"It's fine. I'm Liam by the way."he says, extending his hand.
"Jojo." I say quickly as we shake hands.
"So, we will be starting a project. I hope you like the people your sitting next to since these are your partners. "Ms. Sylvia says.
The room fills with groans. I guess people are unhappy with there partners. I'm fine with mine, it's an opportunity to get to know 'Liam' better.
Sorry my chapters are so short, I don't have much time to write stuff....

The school life (((ON HOLD)))
FanfictionThese school years are going to be hard for the new kids. One only knows one person, who hates them. The others dont know anyone. Will the school year become better for them? One direction (non famous) fanfic