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I woke up early hoping to avoid my step-ho ((A/N) step-mom). I grabbed my (f/c) (f/b) t-shirt with the bands name plastered on the front. As I was getting dressed my phone buzzed. Dad had texted me, it read 'Had to leave early for work. Clara should be making breakfast for you.' The smell of liquor was in the air so I could tell he was telling the truth. I decided to go out the fire escape. When I got out the window the escape started to shake, I didnt think much of it the building I lived in was old and the escape had only been checked a few times. I dropped my (f/c) backpack over the side to get rid of extra weight. I got to the last staircase and it started to shake again, but this time it was more violent, I could hear it rattling. I was about half way to the bottom when the first side of the staircase broke, I held on for dear life as it continued violently shaking. Then the second side let go. The staircase flipped right on top of me. I didnt feel dead, but I didnt feel alive either. I tried to yell out for Clara, but no voice came. I couldnt move, I could feel the glass bottles beneath me break. A piece of glass then thrusted through my stomach. I tried to stay awake but then I soon slipped into the darkness. I still didn't feel dead. Soon I started to hear voices. "Are you sure this is her." The first voice said. "Of course I'm sure this is her. Will said we'd find her in a freak accident behind her building." The second voice said and then the first one started speaking in a monotone voice. "... and this girl has obviously been in a freak accident." Then I could feel the staircase being lifted off of me. Then something rolled me over and picked me up like a baby. "Oh no no no. This will never do over with Will." The second voice said as I was lain back down on the ground. My head was laid on a box. I tried to open my eyes, and I only very faintly could. All I could see was a blur of red and a fainter blur of orange and yellow. "No no no she is trying to wake up. I dont know if I can do this with her staring at me." The red blur said when I did. "I-I c-cant s-see you. I-I c-can j-just see b-blurs. P-please h-help M-me." I said and then the orange-yellow blur nealed down beside me. "We are going to help you. My name is Ronald (fixed it) and this is Grell. We are shinigami, grim reapers for say. Dont worry we arnt going to reap your soul you are not scheduled to die. We have been sent to get you by our supervisor Will, but would you mind closing your eyes so Grell will be comfortable in healing you?" I did as he asked and closed my eyes. I could feel my crimson blood soaking my shirt as a hand reach inside to bring out the glass. Then hands were lain on my stomach. I started to feel all warm and fuzzy inside, then all the pain just started melting away. "You may open your eyes now." Again I did as he said. I could see two faces staring down at me. Both had glasses, one of them caught my eye though, he had long crimson red hair a long (less) red jacket, and red gloves. His gloves were wet, so I guess they were only red because of the blood. He looked like he had just stepped out of the 1800's. I started giggling uncontrollablly. Suddenly I couldn't breathe, again I faded into the black.


Author: haha you stupid 4G. I told you I would still update.

Ceil: what in bloody hell is 4G

Author: Its this magical thing that allows me to continue this story.




Bleeding Hearts (Reader x Grell) Kiroshitsuji (Black Butler) FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora