Health Class

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Hi so I started writing this story literally so long ago and I just got back into wattpad and decided to revamp this book cause I think it could be good, so here goes nothing.  




"Allllll I need is a beauty and a beauty and a bea-" 

I slammed my hand down on my booming alarm clock. I slowly and very groggily pulled my comforter away from my almost bare body. The cold formed shivers on my arms and legs. I tend to shed layers in my sleep without noticing and curse myself for it in the morning. Desperate to gain some heat, I quickly sprinted towards the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I slipped off the little clothes I had on while waiting for the water to heat up. 

Before I stepped in I took a moment to admire my face. Ive never been overly confident about my appearance but I knew I wasn't too terrible to look at. Just plain Jane, or in this case plain Callie. 

After spending a lot longer than I should have in the shower I hopped out and put on a pair of jeans with a nice flowy sweater; my favorite combo. Not bothering to do much with my hair, just letting it dry into its natural straightness, I took some time on my makeup. It took me a lot longer than expected to put on a little concealer and mascara, mainly because I was dancing to my fav tunes the whole time.

Realizing I was quickly running out of time and would be late again for the umpteenth time, I ran down stairs, only to have to run back up the stairs to grab my forgotten backpack. Once me and my backpack were downstairs I quickly put some toast into the toaster and ran to get my boots on. When the toast popped up I was out the door like the flash, not bothering to say goodbye to my mom cause I knew she was asleep anyway. She slept a lot but I don't mind, she needed it . 


Arriving at school made me frown, why did school have to be so time consuming and useless? I was a senior in high school and honestly couldn't wait to get out of school and do something productive with my life. I had always dreamed and planned to go to California for school for 2 different reasons.

1. I loved the warmth and the sunshine

2. To get away from all my problems at home

Sadly, number 2 is what is actually keeping those dreams from becoming a reality. Since I had to put my Cali dreams on the back burner I decided to just get a job out of high school and save up as much money as I can to hopefully get my own apartment and hopefully have it be in Cali (maybe with a hot sexy boy by my side?). Ya, thats probably not gonna happen


Charlie and Alex, my two best friends who also happen to be twins. For being identical twins they sure did have completely opposite personalities, yet complimented each other perfectly. Charlie, short for Charlotte, was loud and outgoing but very serious about her schoolwork.  She's petite and a staggering 5'2". Her big brother Alex (older by 2 minutes) is tall and all about football. Football this and football that! He's on the shy side, but still manages to be friends with everyone. They both had these bright green eyes that I have envied from the time I first saw them. We met freshman year, they had gone to a different middle school than me hence why we weren't friends earlier. I had accidentally bumped into them while trying to find me geometry class, only to learn they were looking for the same one. Safe to say, they are the best things in my life, always keeping me on my toes yet also keeping me sane.

As I walk into the school, I take a moment to really look at my school, most of the time I see it when its packed and full of sweaty people just pushing and shoving to get to class. Now I see it in a different light. It has really beautiful archistructure and even though I hated the color red, it matched nicely with all of the features in our school.

Finally, I entered my first period, only to be greeted with my teacher,  Mr. Simon, and the notorious bad boy at our school, Emmett, holding up a banana with a condom on it. Oh how I love health class...


Thank you guys for reading! if you have any suggestions or comments please tell me! Always looking for feedback.


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