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I found myself staring into the grayest eyes I've ever seen. They were maganificant and I couldn't help but stare as a blush creeped up on my cheeks. I quickly realized the situation I had walked into and decided to just slightly laugh and walk to my seat with my head down.

Quickly my mind went into over drive thinking about those beautiful eyes and the boy they belonged to. I had never had a class with Emmett before and apparently had never even looked at his eyes before now. I know he's the notorious bad boy at our school and practically untouchable. He didn't have many friends anymore after sophomore year and frankly, it didn't look like he even cared. Up until now, we never had a class together and we don't associate around the same people so there's really no way he even knows I exist. Besides, I'm in a relationship. Looking up, I decided to take in his whole appearance, eager to see those eyes again. When I looked up, those eye just happened to be staring right back at me with a knowing smirk, boldly I gave him a smile and decided to start paying attention to the teacher again.



Callie. Boy is she different, a good different of course. Ever since freshman year I have seen her roaming the halls often with her two friends, whose name I couldn't recall. She had this genuine warmth about her that always had pulled me in, but I never could get close to her in fear of her learning everything about me. I knew that if I started something I wouldn't be able to end it and I would be the to get hurt. 

Besides, she already has a perfect little boyfriend who's going to Harvard. He walks her to every class and places a small kiss on her cheek. Kinda a pussy move if you ask me. Long story short, Callie is and always has been off limits to me, no matter how much I've wanted to get to know her.



"Callie is something wrong? You haven't eating barely any of your sandwich. You look distracted." Bryan gave me a confused glance. Bryan, being the protective boyfriend he is nodded towards my half eaten sandwich I had neglected when my thoughts about Emmett started taking over.

"Ya i'm fine Bryan just really tired from all the studying I did last night." I put up a fake smile so he would think everything's fine. Everything was fine except for the fact I couldn't get Emmett out of my head. His eyes just seem to consume me, and don't get me started on his body. Bryan was more into his academics than his physical features. I think the most athletic thing he's done in 2 years is run after me when I accidentally left his house with his calculator... Ya that's Bryan. Emmett on the other hand was fit, like really fit. You could tell he took pride in his body and made sure to work out to keep up on his health, which is something I admired about him.

"Well i'm glad you've been studying but you don't look very good so maybe you shouldn't stay up late tonight. You need to get some extra sleep so you're up and ready for all your tests tomorrow. Don't want you failing any tests now do we?" If you haven't noticed, Bryan is a little obsessed with grades. His family is prestigious and very classy so he holds everyone around him to that same standard. I'm a little done with all his perfectness if I'm being honest. I've been slowly trying to leave our 1 year relationship because I was no longer happy, but I just didn't know how to break it to the poor guy.

"I Promise i'll get some more sleep tonight. I'm gonna go to the bathroom now. See you after school?" I started to pile my food and stand up.

"Ya that's fine! Love you" He stood up to give me a kiss on the cheek. I murmured love you back as I started to walk away. See, Bryan absolutely hates PDA! He will never kiss me in public, only a little kiss on the cheek, yet another thing on the list of annoyances. Even if he is the sweetest boy in our grade, it doesn't make up for the things he lacks in my opinion. I knew I wasn't the one for him and I was having a hard time addressing this to him.  


Standing at my locker I was fetching some books I needed and putting some well needed chapstick on my lips. Closing the door, I sighed in annoyance of my least favorite class next. While in my train of thoughts a head popped into view and almost scared the poop out of me.

"Hey don't scare me like that!" I exclaimed while clutching my chest and breathing a sigh of relief as I saw it was just Charlie.

"Sorry girl but I have some GREAT news!" she said with the biggest grin possible. I swear she had the best teeth i've ever seen.

"What's up?"

"Wellllllllll, Tony asked me to homecoming and I am SO excited because now I have a date and you know i've always had a crush on him and he's just so handsome." She kept going on and on and after she finished her rant I smiled at her and just shook my head.

"Im really happy for you Charlie, but does that mean my bestie is ditching me for the dance?" I said with a pouty face. Charlie and I never usually attended dances and instead just hung out and got Chinese take out while doing face masks. I wasn't too bummed about us not being able to do that for this dance cause I was really happy for her. She has always been pining over our schools most popular and most sweet, Tony Smith. I'm glad she got her wish and that just means more take out for me!


Several hours later I was laying in bed with my head tangling off the side. I had finished my homework and was now just lazily playing on my phone while my laptop hummed my favorite songs beside me. I couldn't get over mine and Emmett's little exchange and something nagged at me in my head to start talking to him or at least introduce myself, since I knew he would never know who I was. I had decided that tomorrow during health class I would accidentally bump into him so I could have an excuse to talk to him. That sounds totally lame I know, but i'm not bold enough to just go up and strike up a convo.

With my head still tangling off the side of my bed, I put my hands on the grand and pushed my legs up and back, so I could land on the ground and get up. I mad my way to the kitchen to see if my mom was awake and ready for her doctors appointment. I peered through her door and saw her putting her favorite necklace on in the mirror. 

"Hi momma, hopefully you got enough rest today. Are you ready for your appointment, I have the car running already."

"Yes dear, ill be out in a second." She looked at me with sad eyes but motioned for me to go to the car. Hopping into the drivers seat I tapped my fingers to the beat of whatever song was playing, while waiting for my mom to come out.

Our rides to the hospital were always filled with us talking and laughing and catching up. My mom wasn't up and doing much during the day so this was our chance to talk and be like a mother and daughter should be. 


When we made our way into the hospital I stopped and talked to my favorite receptionist and ask her how she was doing. After a few brief words, I helped my mom walk through the crowded hospital. Somehow I managed to make eye contact with the one person I never thought I would see here. My breathe hitched in my throat and my mom clearly noticed because she faintly asked me what was wrong. After gazing a few seconds too long I focused my attention back on my mom and kept going at an even quicker pace, hoping he wouldn't see me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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