◇ ~Chapter Twenty-Eight~ ◇

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The battle was over. The long-anticipated fight between the two gods had been stopped. Instead of a fight that would have undoubtedly brought the world to an end, the collective hope of the world had gathered together in the heart and soul of a single wolf, who had stood against all odds and fought until the end. A wolf who didn't fight for glory, nor for his own selfish ideals, but rather for the safety of the world itself.

Millions of small specks floated down from the sky in the wake of the final collision between Cayde, Kimlasca, and Mystearica. Much like snow, these specks landed on the ground and faded away into nothingness.

As the dust in the center of the bridge settled, each and every wolf could see the aftermath with their own eyes. Once and for all, they could see who had emerged victorious.

When the dust cleared, Cayde was laying in the center of the bridge, breathing softly. On one side, Kimlasca was sprawled out, his body seething with golden energy which acted like smoke, raising higher into the sky. On the other side, Mystearica had suffered a similar result.

Taking a few moments to regain his strength, Cayde stood back up and shook himself off, looking towards Kimlasca first before shifting his gaze to Mystearica.

"Gah... how can he..." Mystearica wheezed, "...be so powerful? He's just a mortal! A pawn!" Kimlasca did not respond, though he too was still breathing. Cayde narrowed his eyes, slowly advancing towards the Wolf of Chaos, who looked up at him with shocked, vulnerable eyes.

"You are the reason why Uldrich is dead. Why so many creatures suffer. Why so many families grieve," Cayde began, stepping closer, "You are a demon. You feast on the minds of those you consider weak, destroy families, cause wars..."

Mystearica coughed and chuckled weakly, "And I'd do it... all again."

"You are the reason why millions upon millions have died, and why millions more have suffered. You are seen as an irredeemable creature with no sense of empathy nor sympathy..." Cayde continued as he advanced.

"Do not waste my time, pawn..." Mystearica coughed and wheezed, "Talk any longer, and I'll snap your neck..."

Cayde didn't respond to him directly, instead continuing his speech, "You are a monster. You and Kimlasca both are to blame for so much... most may even say you don't deserve any mercy."

Mystearica growled, "You were meant to be an afterthought...! I had stored that pure Chaotic power in that necklace for hundreds of years... trained myself for just as long... and after all that, when I finally harnessed it and my full potential was realized... you stamped me out..." He wheezed, "I am a god! After all I've done... this can't be how it ends..."

"Most would kill you after all you had done, and yet..." Cayde stopped as he stood in front of the Wolf of Chaos, "After all you've done, I can't do that. I won't do that. I never came here to kill either of you... I came here to stop you from killing yourselves, and protect the world until the very end. That hasn't changed."

Most would call him a fool, offering peace to the Wolf of Chaos... but Cayde had seen firsthand that peace could be achieved. As he stared down at Mystearica, he slowly reached forward and offered a paw to help him stand.

Mystearica scoffed, "Wretched fool..."

"Neither you, nor Kimlasca are complete monsters. Somewhere beneath all of the hatred and selfishness, there is still a soul. The soul of a god, yes.. but a soul nonetheless." Cayde replied.

"I would never take your paw... we are not allies." Mystearica snarled, but it was cut short as he coughed again.

"Then don't take my paw and call me an ally. If you're so bound by your ideals and laws of strength, then take my paw out of respect." Cayde insisted.

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