Chapter 1: team 7 is chosen.

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In the morning of the hidden leaf, all that could be Heard on this quiet morning was narutos shouts of glee and joy. " I finally get to be genin, then I'll be hokage! What did iruka sensai tell me about being a genin, oh forget it, this will be easy!" He then he proceeded to his schooling academy for the last time, this time, he wasn't going fail his final exam, AGAIN, he was going to get his ninja team chosen, if he passed this, he could start his genin missions until he baecame a chunin. As fast as naruto was going, it didn't take long to get to the academy. As he entered, a lot heads turned. " wait, did you actually graduate?" Asked shikamaru. " ha ha, you know it lazy!" Naruto shouted with glee. "Ugh, what a drag." He replied. Surprisingly everyone rolled their eyes with Naruto. " okay everyone, time to pick teams." Said iruka sensai.

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