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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

It was currently 7 in the evening when Jungkook and Yoongi reached home along with two others. Jungkook parked the car outside the house and asked Taehyung and Yeonjun to join Yoongi inside.

"Yoongi hyung will guide the way go on. I'll bring the bags" Taehyung was nervous, it was first time that he  went somewhere. Since he and his brother came to Orphanage, Jin never let them out of his sight.

"O-okay. Yeonnie wake up. We are here" Taehyung slowly tapped Yeonjun's shoulder as the other fell asleep.

Yeonjun woke up and looked around and his eyes and mouth were agape seeing the house infront of him.

This house was  five times bigger than their orphanage. He has never in his life has seen such a big house and not to mention the elegance it displays.

"We are staying here?" Yeonjun turned to his brother with eyes popping out due to the surprise.

"I'm sorry Yeonjun but soon you'll get you own house, you just have to adjust here for few days. It takes time but I'll make sure that you get your own place soon." Jungkook spoke up feeling guilty that maybe the brothers didn't like the house.

"No no its not like that. Shut up Yeonnie." Taehyung scolded his brother getting surprised by the way Jungkook reacted on his brother's comment. He has never seen such type of person.

Isn't he too good to be true?

"V. He is trying to help shut up"

Taehyung scolded his wolf still thinking about Jungkook. It's been just one day and this boy here has made his way to Taehyung's heart. Heart? What shut up.

"Aniii I'm saying this is the best place i have ever seen, atleast it's far more beautiful than our orphanage. You don't need to rush. I'll be happy to stay here." Yeonjun winked to his new friend who chuckled.

This boy is something. I think you'll have good company.

"Yeah I think too. You too will have a good friend, he is also and alpha and a very powerful one."

I'm not talking about him Kook. I'm talking about the omega.

"What? He and me! Oh no no. Don't talk rubbish JK."

My words never get wrong Kook. You out of all people know that. Believe me Taehyung has something special in him.

"Okay enough."

Jungkook pushed back his wolf who is behaving weird ever since he met Taehyung.

"Let's go boy." Yoongi laughed looking at the cute individual infront of him.

"Yeonjun...... i have a name gramps.." Jungkook couldn't held his laughter and burst into the fits of laughter.

"Shut up Kook. And you I'm older than you. If you need to stay here learn to respect. The head Alpha don't like people who don't respect me. You can get in serious trouble as you see I'm his son." Yeonjun was no longer laughing. He felt a little scared. He just hide his face in his brother's chest.

Taehyung heard the words that Yoongi just said and tightened his hold on his brother.

"I'm sorry.... I'm really sorry on his behalf. He don't think before talking. T-this will never happen again. I'll make sure of it. Forgive him for once p-please." Yoongi and Jungkook looked at eachother.

"Hyung. Why will you do that? Just look at him." Jungkook mind linked him.

"Oh come on i was just joking I didn't knew he will take it seriously." Yoongi just turned to Taehyung.

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