Tag Nr. 8

5 1 1

Yaaayyy! Ich bin noch da!

Hier ist der Tag:

1) How are you?Demotivated

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1) How are you?
Demotivated. I should finish my school stuff so I can enjoy stuff in peace...

2) Birthday?
End of July. That's all I am saying.

3) last lie you said?
I don't know actually. Maybe „I am fine" to myself, I neglect feelings.

4) Crush name?
Don't have one.

5) Crush pic?
Have a picture of my comfort characters:

5) Crush pic? Have a picture of my comfort characters:

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Two of them are actually missing in this mini comic

Here they are!  (Yes, I'm a dream SMP fan, what are you going to do about it?)

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Here they are! (Yes, I'm a dream SMP fan, what are you going to do about it?)

6) last screenshot?
I don't even know, let me see...

Alright! It's private so I'm gonna show the one before it!

Alright! It's private so I'm gonna show the one before it!

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Oh , yeah, right. A friend of mine and me are building a Minecraft world. That's an Idea I liked a lot!

7) Pinterest?

Hell yea.

My sister used my account too before she created a new one for herself

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

My sister used my account too before she created a new one for herself. So all the Pins are actually from her, I save mine to my camera roll.

8) favourite season?
Guess it's either autumn or spring. Where it's a bit warmer and I can wear either a jacket or none and it's fine.

9) loved and hated subject?
My most loved one is English.

My most hated subject is math.

10) tag 20 people
Nah, thanks mate.

Alright! Danke für's lesen (und für's taggen bookworm_is_reading )!

Wir sehen uns beim nächsten mal! Bye!

Tags und was ich noch so reinschreibeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt