Chapter One: Part Twelve

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Its greying form was hunched on the road, the thin, boney fingers dug through the deer carcass on the road. Its large brown eyes stared vacantly at the sky while the creature devoured whatever it got its clutches on it was quite a sight to see at least Troy thought so. In his time amongst the new group, his fascination with the dead didn't diminish in that time even as he watched its peculiar and stiff movements in the scope of his rifle ready to pull the trigger "hey!" the sudden female voice made him almost lose focus but Troy remained true as he always did. He was never one to be easily phased as he casually set gun aside and rose from his crouched down position "what are you doing?" Emmy couldn't even hide her annoyance facing the taller man in front of her who casually stood up in front of her his hand clutching his slender hip. Emmy took a moment to observe him noticing his badly done bandaged wounds almost wanting to scold his relentless stubbornness but in a way, it would be hypocritical.

"Getting back to it. As I see it we can't exactly waste time can we?" he was very direct his usual self it was clear of his seriousness at the task at hand, however. What had happened seemed to irk him.

"Letting ourselves heal and recuperate isn't a waste of time" Emmy argued.

"There is too much to do around here" despite being wounded he remained defensive even in his stance. Hands clutched to his hips with his blue eyes staring her down.

"Just let me..." she began however the distance and determination in his eyes said it all. She wasn't going to win this one it was hard to admit perhaps another day she would stick to her guns, fight however today didn't seem like the right day for it. So much had happened already plus she was starting to understand Troy's behaviour when he wanted the help he would seek her out like he usually did so Emmy relented "okay.." was all that came out before she walked off. Perhaps it was just the worry that made her chase after him, that fueled a wave of anger from the concern but Troy was Troy he had survived worse and would be fine. There was so much more happening than to fuss over every little cut and bruise after all.


"How can he sleep like that?" Emmy questioned sitting beside Brady on the sofa both the girls watching closely as Kai awkwardly lay partly across a chair and somehow also on the floor, his head fallen back leaving his mouth opened letting out loud snores "I wish we had popcorn or something now perfect to throw is his mouth" Emmy almost pouted watching the all to easy target in front of them.

"He came back going on about fixing his truck then passed out. He had too many pain meds" Brady rolled her eyes.

"Of course he did" Emmy didn't even bat an eyelash at the fact he didn't listen to her instructions.

"Did you find Troy?" Brady asked tearing her eyes from the lanky blondes sleeping form.

"Yeah... He's a bit off so I left him to it" Emmy attempted to shrug it off but shrugging of Troy issues almost proved difficult.

"You left him alone instead of hovering over his every move? My my Em call me surprised" Brady teased a sly smirk on her lips.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Emmy turned wide-eyed at Brady's accusations.

"I mean despite everything you..." Brady seemed to think carefully over her words "you really care for Troy which is sweet and who you are, Em. You're a caring person but he isn't exactly the warm fuzzy type."

"Yes, I do care. I care about everyone here" Emmy sighed her small hands rubbing at her face "we've lost so much and so many people I don't want to lose anymore."

"I know" Brady reached out taking one of Emmy's hands in her own "we will make sure we won't lose anymore. You're a good leader, Em I know you can do this" Brady encouraged she was always Emmy's biggest supporters as Emmy was with her.

"I'm trying..." their serious moment was quickly cut off as a loud snort then snore sounded out through the room causing both girls to turn their attention back to a sound asleep Kai who had now begun to mumble in his sleep.

"It's crazy he's not even quiet when he's asleep" Emmy joked causing both the girls to laugh.

"If Kai was silent for even a second I would think he was dead or I would have died from shock" Brady added as they continued to laugh "I guess he is sleeping here again..."


"Yeah, Kai's been sleeping here most nights" Brady explained and Emmy couldn't help but eye her with suspicion which Brady quickly caught onto and rolled her eyes "not like that you know how he has been since he found out I was pregnant."

"Like a proud mama hen," Emmy laughed.

"It's going to be interesting when this baby is born he's already labelled himself uncle" Brady acted as though she was annoyed at Kai's over the top behaviour but the small smile on her lips said another story.

"Better than him asking to be called daddy" Emmy was struggling to stifle her giggles.

"Who is calling who daddy?" the voice caught them off guard turning their gaze to a suddenly awake and seated Kai.

"Of course he wakes up at that part" Brady rolled her eyes.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from Kai" Emmy continued to laugh carrying on with their light-hearted night into the late hours of the evening all asleep on the lounges when a knock at the door interrupted the easy-going night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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