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I am yadavi. My parents are great sacrificers. My pitashri nd mata devki sacrificed my 6 brothers for the cause of  establishment of dharm. The baby which a mother nourishes till 10 months, my mata devki had witnessed their death in front of her eyes. Her cruel brother kansa hadn't  even given her enough time to pamper to my new born brothers. After their birth he had killed all of them immediately.

The pain of witnessing the death of children that too new born children can't be imagined by anyone nd can't described in words. But my parents bore all these for the greater cause of future. They had went through the same pain for 6 times continuously. I know each time each time the intensity of their pain would have increased beyond anyone's imagination. Despite of having 8 children they never had the joy of nurturing their childhood, cherishing nd preserving the moments of their childhood.

My mata rohini also bore a lot of pain being away from her family. She had raised my dau singlehandedly. She became the single parents for my dau.

My family had suffered a lot before my arrival to this world. But after my birth they erased all those dreadful memories of past only for my shake. They never had let me feel the slight glimpse of their pain related to their past.

You all must be thinking that why am I saying all these to you? Because I want to remind you all that the base of my life had contribution of my parents' sacrifice. So now I want to ask some questions to you all.

(1) Do you assume despite of having parents like these could i be that much selfish to get my love, my arya by hook nd crook, by pressuring him by my bhrata in name of his friendship with my bhrata ?

(2) Are u really thinking  me to be that much heartless to not even considering the heartily acceptance of my arya for our marriage?

(3) In all of yours views am I that much weak to face the situation that I had burdened myself over my arya against his wish?

(4) The sacrifice of my parents had framed the shape of my feelings. Do you believe that I hadn't realised the pain of jyeshtha when she saw me with arya?

(5) I had bounded arya in name of dharm, had took advantage of his goodness in name of emotions. Is it coming nd fitting well in your area of imagination?

Analyse the base of my life once having deep realization of sacrifice of my parents. Your heart will give u answers of the above all questions.

So sakhis, I have done my part by giving update, now it's all yours turn. One thing the my minimum target is 20. Previous chapter hasn't reached till the target. But still I updated this one. But next it won't happen for sure.

So I want to express my gratitude to my sakhis, me_unique_soul, Yadav_kanya, prakruthi695, lellorina, LightningQueen3, thefireherself. Because they have made efforts to make cmnts that too lenghy cmnts on my each questions of previous update.

All of yours love is "ANMOL" for me.


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