Bad Matchup

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Hitoshi, you fucking beanpole you should have trained before UA come on-




This was it, this was the moment he has been waiting for his entire life. He would get on the stage, brainwash his opponent, make him go over the bounds and go to another round, rinse and repeat two more times, win this fucking festival and get in the Hero Course of UA.


Midoriya Izuku— he was the one who Hitoshi would have to beat first, no, who Hitoshi will beat first. The monkey guy did send him a sadistic grin when he realized it would be the green-head who Hitoshi is fighting with, but since he hasn't even bothered with telling him his quirk all was good with the world. Hah. Those 1-A fucks were really full of themselves huh?

But he would win, he deserved that much after all.

Present Mic called both of them on the stage, something about Midoriya being amazing and Hitoshi himself not amounting to much because he hasn't done much. Gee thanks.

Midoriya wasn't even looking at him, seemingly transfixed on Midnight. Pervert much? Or just a show of how low he thinks about other classes? Either way great just a fucking asshole. Why did he deserve to be put into Hero Course but not Hitoshi?

It just wasn't right.

Present Mic gave them a signal to prepare, Midoriya hasn't even moved a muscle. So fucking overconfident— Hitoshi would mop the floor with his tongue if he had time. But alas he didn't because he had to win and there was a chance the bastard would scrape his tongue and wake up from brainwashing.

Also, the festival was broadcasted on the national television and he had enough people telling him he's a villain without random passersby doing that.

Present Mic shouted again horribly loud and Midnight raised her whip, despite not really having to.
Huh, weird.

Well, Hitoshi had stuff to do.

"That Monkey was going on about his pride..."

"START!" Midnight cracked her whip exactly as Present Mic shouted.

"...but don't you think he was dumb for throwing away his chance?"

Hitoshi expected Midoriya to, well, react. Preferably reply.

But he just... charged, face carefully expressionless.

"Hey! Not gonna say anything to that?" Come on, answer, answer, answer—

Midoriya looked at him with a frown but otherwise hasn't reacted. Fuck.

Hitoshi tried to sidestep him, and block at the same time because he belatedly realized that he won't be fast enough. Fuck.

Midoriya hasn't slowed down, he just kicked him in the shins and planted a fist in his face. Hitoshi tried to react, he really did, but the boy just kicked him again as he was folding like a wet paper, and then hauled him up, flipped him through his back and bam, suddenly he was out of bounds. Fuck.

It all happened so fast...

"Shinsou is out of bounds! Midoriya wins!" shouted Midnight, wincing audibly. FUCK.

"Well, that was disappointing..." droned on Present Mic.

"Well, that was a bad match-up," countered Aizawa. Well no shit. "With Midoriya basically immune to Shinsou's quirk." Wait, what?

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